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Highly Blessed

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Hi, my name is Tim and I was a victim of a heinous crime that occurred on September 3. I was shot five times, and by the grace of God I’m still here. This traumatic experience has not only been hard for me physically, but also mentally and emotionally. I’m unable to walk on my own even bathe on my own, but the doctor said that I will be able to come to a full recovery within the next three months. Essentially, I have everything that I need my family support my loveing fiancé who have all been there for me step-by-step day by day with me since returning home from the hospital, but I still have personal things such as bills that I have to tend to that I just can’t right now due to my current condition so I’m asking you any blessing that you can offer will be highly appreciated. I also ask that you pray and continue to pray for me and my family, for we all are going through hard times dealing with this current situation . Thank you and God bless you.


Timothy Brown
Bon Air, VA

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