Aquila Gives 2023, supporting Aquila PTO
Tax deductible
Why Aquila Gives? For the students, who deserve so much. For the staff, who give us their all. For the community our children will someday lead.
The goal of Aquila Gives is to raise funds to benefit every student at Aquila! Grade level and specialist teachers receive funds to enhance the educational experiences of our students - this includes paying for field trips and guest speakers and buying classroom equipment.
Aquila PTO also offers free PTO events like Bingo Nights, Back to School Dance, & Carnival, and more! We raise funds so all our students have a chance to participate and enjoy these opportunities.
Aquila Gives relies on the entire community to support this effort. Students, families, staff members, neighbors, community members, local businesses, and employers all contribute to the fundraiser.
The mission of Aquila PTO is to enhance the education experience of all Aquila students, families, and staff through fundraising and volunteer opportunities. 100% of donations to Aquila Gives support our students and staff.


Aquila PTO
Minneapolis, MN
Aquila Elementary Parent Teacher Organization