Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Haiti Hurricane relief (Aquin)

Spende geschützt
Fondation Aquin Solidarite (FAS) is a non-profit organization, founded in 2005, to provide educational, cultural, sports and economic support and mentoring to the city and the people of Aquin, located 117kms southwest of Port-au-Prince.
Hurricane Matthew literally destroyed all major infrastructure work and buildings in the city and surrounding districts, leaving more than 70% of the 70,000+ population of the Commune of Aquin in dire straits. Funds are urgently needed to buy essential goods for the impacted and displaced people, to rebuild schools, churches, the pier of Aquin and to provide assistance to entrepreneurs so they rebuild their business.
Our involvement is in line with and will reinforce the work we've been doing in Aquin for the past ten years.
We thank you for your generosity and will be forever grateful to you.
Magali Comeau Denis, Magguie Rigaud, Philippe Allien, Nancy Comeau, Margarette Graham.


  • Anonym
    • $15
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Caroline Graham
State College, PA
Burtland Granvil of Hibiscus, Inc.

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