Arenal Interpretive Sign
Tax deductible
In 2019, Indiana Audubon sponsored the first interpretive wayside sign at Arenal National Park in Costa Rica. The sign helped raise awareness of motmot bird conservation in conjunction with two Costa Rica field trips. In partnership with Lifer Nature Tours and SINAC, Indiana Audubon is seeking to match this new sign with an additional interpretive panel at the popular antpitta trail in the national park. All funds raised will be used in the design, fabrication, and installation of the interpretive panel within the national park.
Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause. Indiana Audubon Society is an independent Audubon organization operating in Indiana. It's the fourth oldest Audubon in the nation and works to preserve and protect all flora and fauna. Al donated funds are operated out of the Mumford & Keller Grants Program.
Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause. Indiana Audubon Society is an independent Audubon organization operating in Indiana. It's the fourth oldest Audubon in the nation and works to preserve and protect all flora and fauna. Al donated funds are operated out of the Mumford & Keller Grants Program.
Indiana Audubon
Connersville, IN
Indiana Audubon Society, Inc.