Ari's Stem Cell Journey
Donation protected
Update: With tremendous gratitude to G-d and to all of you, we have been able to take Ari for 3 stem cell treatments in Panama! We have seen remarkable changes in Ari! He is a different child than he was before the treatments! His receptive language is now at 100%. He can easily follow multi-step directions and he is TOTALLY aware of his environment! He is making more attempts at language and communication everyday! He is answering questions and showing us that he IS in there!!! In school, he is doing math problems, which is new! His teacher is very impressed with how quickly he is picking up new academic skills! In fact, his teacher tells me that he is impressed with something that Ari does every single day. He is reading and writing too!!! Ari wakes up happy and goes to be happy every day and he is loving life!! We would like to continue these treatments for Ari , as they have proven to take him further and further in his development! Please help us with a donation so that we can keep helping Ari! There has been nothing else that we have tried for Ari that has made the difference that these stem cells have made. Please help us continue to change the course of Ari's future for the better! And in return, may G-d bless you and yours with only health and happiness!!!
Our son Ari was diagnosed with severe low-functioning Autism in 2010.
Ari is severely delayed in speech, communication, and social development. skills . He is 7 years-old, but he is 18-24 months old developmentally and is at a 12-month-old development level for speech.
Autism is defined as a specific set of behaviors. There is no lab test to diagnose Autism. Autism is classified as a mental health disorder in the DSM V. Because Autism is classified as a mental health disorder, insurance does not pay for any kind of medical treatment related to Autism.
Over the past 5 years we've done extensive lab testing to understand what is going on inside his body. We've paid for the lab testing out of pocket, insurance will not cover it with his diagnosis.
Lab testing showed significant medical problems. Leaky gut syndrome, strep, clostridium, and candida infections of the gut to name a few. Chronic inflammation. Abnormal liver function. Abnormal viral titers showing active infections that his immune system cannot handle. Abnormal immune system function. Nervous system dysfunction, including sensory processing problems, and low muscle tone.
Stem cell therapy is now being offered to Autistic children to heal the immune system, heal the nervous system, and reverse the effects of Autism. Since Autism presents as a type of auto-immune disorder, stem cells have been successful in reversing Autism at it's core.
Ari qualifies for stem cell therapy. Because of his significant delays, we worry every single day about his future. We wonder if he will ever speak, if he will ever be independent. We don't know if he will ever be able to gain full independence, get married, or have a family.
At his current pace, he will eventually need to be placed in a group home later in his life if he does not make significant progress. We worry every day about who will take care of him when we can't.
We have been in contact with The Stem Cell Institute in Central America. High quality stem cell therapy in the US is not offered. The Stem Cell Institute in Central America (Costa Rica/Panama) is one of the best stem cell centers in the world.
The cost of 1 week of stem cell therapy is $14,260. This does not include travel or lodging expenses. Insurance will not pay. We are tapped out with costs from Ari's therapies, and mom's loss of income due to Ari's diagnosis.
Ari attends a special needs school full time and receives about 18 hours a week, in addition to school, of therapy to help him advance. While we appreciate these services and the therapists' and teachers' attempts, the gains have been very minimal.
Ari deserves a chance at independence and a chance at a normal life. He deserves to be able to express himself. Not just his immediate needs, but also, his likes and dislikes. He deserves to have playdates and friends. Right now, that is not happening for him. He is trapped inside his world and he can't get out. But we know the potential is there.
While we are not the type of family to ask for help, we feel that Ari deserves this chance. Please help us to unlock Ari from the limitations of this devastating illness. This treatment could change his life and we are asking for your help to make this possible.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for any amount you can contribute. G-d bless you!
Clara and Danny Goodman
Clara Goodman
Hightstown, NJ