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Recovery from Fire, Injuries & Losses

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Katie was a victim of an arson-related fire this week. She was forced to jump from her 3rd floor apartment window to escape the smoke and flames. She sustained 2nd degree burns on her face and 3rd degree burns on her hand as well as multiple lacerations and contusions. She will need to see a plastic surgeon and a burn specialist for her hand and will require physical, occupational and emotional therapy for several months. Katie is an elementary school music teacher and a musician. She lost literally everything in the fire, including her treasured concert violin. 
So many wonderful people are keeping Katie in their thoughts and prayers and have asked how they can help. She will need some help with her ongoing medical costs and to help replace all of her personal items lost in the fire.

Katie and her family sincerely thank you for any help you can provide to help her recover from this devastating event.


  • Anônimo
    • $10
    • 10 yrs


Mark Primo
Littleton, CO

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