Art for Our Lives Protest Posters
Donation protected
We -- the youth artist-activists of the National Youth Art Movement Against Gun Violence -- developed a protest poster series to support our peers at March for Our Lives protest events nationwide.
Of all the images we created, we know the image entitled "You or Me (America)" by 17 year-old Daria V. is an especially hard image to look at because it is the very thing we don't want to face -- that children and young people are dying. And that our politicians have been unwilling to pass common sense gun safety legislation even as they bear witness.
It is for this reason, we want to share Daria's artwork -- the image of a politician holding a gun and the American flag to a child's head that represents multiple ethnicities -- and the artwork of all of our artists -- as widely as possible with protesters because it is the stunning truth we are all fighting to overcome.
We feel that Daria's image holds a mirror up to these politicians -- reflecting back to them the effect of their legislative inaction -- preventable acts of gun violence on youth and families.

Below is a picture of Liz Gomez -- an artist with the National Youth Art Movement Against Gun Violence -- proudly holding up Daria's poster at a press conference for the Gun Dealer Licensing Act in Illinois. This image was taken from an article about Rauner's veto of the bill.

Above Liz Gomez (artist), Janice Tisha Samuels (founder and director), B'Rael Ali (artist), and Leah LaQueens (artist).

DONATE -- so that we can make more posters with more images directly from the creative minds of youth -- and so that through profound imagery we can drive further media and political attention to the need for major change in gun legislation.
LET US KNOW -- if you'd like to carry one of these posters to the next MARCH or SCHOOL WALK OUT or DEMONSTRATION for GUN REFORM -- we're more than happy to supply them: [email redacted]

Of all the images we created, we know the image entitled "You or Me (America)" by 17 year-old Daria V. is an especially hard image to look at because it is the very thing we don't want to face -- that children and young people are dying. And that our politicians have been unwilling to pass common sense gun safety legislation even as they bear witness.
It is for this reason, we want to share Daria's artwork -- the image of a politician holding a gun and the American flag to a child's head that represents multiple ethnicities -- and the artwork of all of our artists -- as widely as possible with protesters because it is the stunning truth we are all fighting to overcome.
We feel that Daria's image holds a mirror up to these politicians -- reflecting back to them the effect of their legislative inaction -- preventable acts of gun violence on youth and families.

Below is a picture of Liz Gomez -- an artist with the National Youth Art Movement Against Gun Violence -- proudly holding up Daria's poster at a press conference for the Gun Dealer Licensing Act in Illinois. This image was taken from an article about Rauner's veto of the bill.

Above Liz Gomez (artist), Janice Tisha Samuels (founder and director), B'Rael Ali (artist), and Leah LaQueens (artist).

DONATE -- so that we can make more posters with more images directly from the creative minds of youth -- and so that through profound imagery we can drive further media and political attention to the need for major change in gun legislation.
LET US KNOW -- if you'd like to carry one of these posters to the next MARCH or SCHOOL WALK OUT or DEMONSTRATION for GUN REFORM -- we're more than happy to supply them: [email redacted]

Janice Tisha Samuels
Chicago, IL