Art Weiland fighting Lung Cancer
Donation protected
Art Weiland, his wife Lynn (me), our 9-year-old son Gabe and our 7-year-old son Marc have been living with stage IV cancer for three years. This fight and other emergencies have placed our family in a position of dire financial need, and though it pains us to do so, we are asking for your help.
Art, a non-smoker, was diagnosed with invasive lung cancer in November of 2013. It was classified as stage IV (the highest) because it had spread to both lungs, his spine, hips and brain.
As a family, we decided to fight this horrific disease with everything we had:
· Prayer
· Art's internal will to fight
· modern medicine
· money.
By combining and using all of these assets, Art has surpassed the initial prognosis of 12-14 months to live. His survival was possible with God’s love and medically speaking; 5 types of chemo-therapy, 3 weeks of daily radiation-therapy-treatments to his brain, 5 days of high-dose-intensive-radiation-therapy treatments to his right lung, 2 costly ambulance rides, 3 ER visits, 4 hospital stays, chest surgery, medical attention at home and many, many, many doctor appointments. We are grateful for Art’s treatment, but its monetary cost has placed our family home in jeopardy.
In addition to Art’s care, our family has suffered two more medical emergencies. In 2014 Marc broke his right arm resulting in another costly ambulance ride, multiple x-rays, application of cast and several doctor visits. One week after Marc’s accident, I shattered my left ankle bones and required another ambulance ride, re-constructive surgery, a hospital stay, two casts, a walking boot & many physical therapy appointments. On top of our family’s accumulated medical bills, our health insurance monthly premium tripled when I needed to leave my full-time job to care for the four of us.
As if this wasn’t enough for our family, three additional events greatly contributed to our financial loss/crisis; 1) an automobile accident on an icy road causing a total loss of our primary vehicle; 2) a major plumbing leak from a break in the connecting pipe of our well to our house flooding our basement; and now 3) seals around our upstairs bathroom began leaking and once again flooded our newly re-finished basement.
Between the accumulating medical expenses, an insurance check that was only enough to pay for half of our 2005 replacement vehicle, a new water line and the cost of repairing the bathtub and our basement for the second time, our family finds itself in dire financial need.
We have amassed a debt of $14,378.87 and are on the edge of a foreclosure on our house.
We are very grateful to all who have previously and are still helping us in many ways. Although it is difficult to let go of my pride, Art and I are asking for you to please help hold our family and home together through your financial contribution. Our goal is to reach $10,000 - $15,000 before the end of 2016 to avoid the foreclosure process on our home beginning in December.
Any amount is greatly appreciated and will help us pay medical bills so Art can continue with the life-sustaining treatments, get caught up on our mortgage, complete the necessary home repairs, and will provide stability for Marc and Gabe.
Thank-you to all who have contributed in any way to assist us. Words alone cannot begin to define our gratitude for your prayers, financial support, and words of hope and encouragement during this time when it matters most.

Art, a non-smoker, was diagnosed with invasive lung cancer in November of 2013. It was classified as stage IV (the highest) because it had spread to both lungs, his spine, hips and brain.
As a family, we decided to fight this horrific disease with everything we had:
· Prayer
· Art's internal will to fight
· modern medicine
· money.
By combining and using all of these assets, Art has surpassed the initial prognosis of 12-14 months to live. His survival was possible with God’s love and medically speaking; 5 types of chemo-therapy, 3 weeks of daily radiation-therapy-treatments to his brain, 5 days of high-dose-intensive-radiation-therapy treatments to his right lung, 2 costly ambulance rides, 3 ER visits, 4 hospital stays, chest surgery, medical attention at home and many, many, many doctor appointments. We are grateful for Art’s treatment, but its monetary cost has placed our family home in jeopardy.
In addition to Art’s care, our family has suffered two more medical emergencies. In 2014 Marc broke his right arm resulting in another costly ambulance ride, multiple x-rays, application of cast and several doctor visits. One week after Marc’s accident, I shattered my left ankle bones and required another ambulance ride, re-constructive surgery, a hospital stay, two casts, a walking boot & many physical therapy appointments. On top of our family’s accumulated medical bills, our health insurance monthly premium tripled when I needed to leave my full-time job to care for the four of us.
As if this wasn’t enough for our family, three additional events greatly contributed to our financial loss/crisis; 1) an automobile accident on an icy road causing a total loss of our primary vehicle; 2) a major plumbing leak from a break in the connecting pipe of our well to our house flooding our basement; and now 3) seals around our upstairs bathroom began leaking and once again flooded our newly re-finished basement.
Between the accumulating medical expenses, an insurance check that was only enough to pay for half of our 2005 replacement vehicle, a new water line and the cost of repairing the bathtub and our basement for the second time, our family finds itself in dire financial need.
We have amassed a debt of $14,378.87 and are on the edge of a foreclosure on our house.
We are very grateful to all who have previously and are still helping us in many ways. Although it is difficult to let go of my pride, Art and I are asking for you to please help hold our family and home together through your financial contribution. Our goal is to reach $10,000 - $15,000 before the end of 2016 to avoid the foreclosure process on our home beginning in December.
Any amount is greatly appreciated and will help us pay medical bills so Art can continue with the life-sustaining treatments, get caught up on our mortgage, complete the necessary home repairs, and will provide stability for Marc and Gabe.
Thank-you to all who have contributed in any way to assist us. Words alone cannot begin to define our gratitude for your prayers, financial support, and words of hope and encouragement during this time when it matters most.

Lynn Weiland
Garland, NE