Artists Against COVID (A C4P Initiative)
THIS FUNDRAISER IS HOSTED BY THE CREATION FOR PREVENTION FOR PREVENTION ASSOCIATION, a nonprofit seeking to educate and unite others through the use of art, raising awareness for many globally-impactful issues.
Our website: https://creation4prevention.wixsite.com/creation
Info about the Artists Against COVID initiative can be found under the "Initiatives" page!
Our sticker shop (NEW!): https://www.redbubble.com/people/artists-/shop?asc=u&ref=account-nav-dropdown
ArtistsAgainstCOVID is a student-led and organized fundraiser. It consists of a group of student artists working together to support those greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
How does our fundraiser work? Upon donation, (We have a GoFundMe set up; check it out below!) you will have the opportunity to request a virtual art commission from one of our talented artists. 100% of the proceeds go towards purchasing medical supplies. Currently, with our funds, we have been able to deliver 400 KN95 masks to Temple University Hospital, and order another shipment of 500 surgical masks to be delivered to Jefferson University Hospital later this week!
If you are unable to contribute financially at this time but want to support us, you can share our website and GoFundMe (both will be linked below!) with others on social media. We have an Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter as well!
Instagram: @creationforprevention
Facebook: @creationforprevention
Twitter: @creation4preven
During these trying times, the need to unify is crucial, not just for the success of our mission, but for the well-being of our community. This is why your support is integral. A few dollars can go a long way! Help to support these student artists while also contributing to stop the spread of the virus. You can make a difference!
Together, we can work to stop the spread of COVID-19!