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Despite having battled with Stage 4 prostate cancer for the last 4 years and receiving his last treatment for it in October 2023, Ashley was dealt a devastating blow at the beginning of November 2023. He suffered a brain bleed and seizure due to the rupture of a brain mass and in February 2024, during a 16 hour operation to remove the mass, he suffered a major stroke that caused the loss of movement in the leg and arm on Ashley’s right-hand side and robbed him of his power of speech.

Since recovering in King’s College’s Critical Care unit, Ashley has proved himself to be a fighter and has surmounted all odds with an incredible sense of humour and determination that has impressed everyone involved.

Thanks to the extraordinary care and support from the NHS; due to this initial care Ashley’s speech is slowly returning, and he's being discharged from the residential rehab centre.

However, he’ll remain in a room in a nursing home for the foreseeable future until suitable assisted living accommodation becomes available for him and his wife, Jo, via the local council housing list.

Sadly, the diagnosis is that his mobility will not return to his right side and he will be confined to a wheelchair requiring full time carers for the majority of his activities including bathing and getting in and out of bed.

To get to this stage, Ashley and his wife have had to use all of their savings and now need our help. The GoFundMe monies will go towards providing Ashley with a secure and comfortable future with access to private physio treatment, wheelchair friendly furniture, a hospital bed for home use etc. Ashley wants you to know that he is a survivor and not a victim and he says ‘thank you’ to all of you who contribute towards the fund.

Written with the permission of Ashley Beedle and his family.


Adam Dewhurst

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