The world can be an unfair place; this is all too true for four beautiful children who unexpectedly lost their devoted mother and will never again feel her warm embrace; sweet kiss and hear her tell them 'I love you to the moon and back'. Ashley was destined to be a mom and once she was blessed with her first son she was hooked; she put her heart and soul into her children. Ashley unexpectedly passed away from a sudden medical complication. She was an amazing person with the biggest heart which showed in her position as a social worker (recently licensed...go Ash). Despite the long emotion filled hours she gave at work she would always make time to read to her children every night, eat dinner as a family, attend all extracurricular events, and spend the weekends on new adventures. The amount of love my sister has for her children is inspiring (everyone who knew Ashley can attest to that) and I know nothing will replace their mother; no amount of love can make their pain go away but hopefully we as a community can be there for them and help with any burden of this tragedy. Prayers, love and good thoughts for these four little ones and her amazing husband.
Thank you all ❤