Ashley Smith Funeral Expenses
The Love of my life Ashley Smith, - An Amazing Mother,Wife,Caretaker of all suddenly not able to even care for herself.
Ashley Smith is currently in ICU located in Volusia County fighting for her very life as it pains me to tell our story i will do my best.
Ashley Smith First noticed she got sick on July 31st soon after we sought medical attention as her conditions worsened i too got sick,we found out we had covid-19 shortly after and then the nightmare began...
i (Christopher Smith) Took my beautiful wife Ashley Smith to the ER due to her struggling to breathe i had to leave her because covid-19 patients are not allowed visitors,she was then attended to by the staff they attempted to give her breathing treatments but nothing worked and her oxygen was dropping very fast she was then placed on a bi-pap machine for 72hours where she was maintaining at 94% oxygen until suddenly her oxygen dropped rapidly to 81 then the hospital staff bolted into action and placed her in a medically induced coma and put her on 100% oxygen mechanical ventilator where she remains at now in critical care.
during this time my wife was pregnant she had 3ultra sounds,
the first one they couldn't find our babies heartbeat
the second one they found our babies heartbeat !yay!~
and then lastly on the 3rd full ultrasound report they have let us know our baby is no longer with us...
right after my beloved wife and i got this news is when she had to be medically induced into a coma,
the stress on her,on us has been so overwhelming and at times i don't know what to do other than to pray.
as i Christopher Smith,Sit here and try to relay our story....our nightmare i ask for all of your prayers,our perfect life together went from 100 to 0 overnight...our lives have forever changed due to this terrible virus (Covid-19) but yet i will remain hopeful and with everyone's prayers and the fantastic team supporting my beautiful wife at the hospital i believe we will pull through,their is no other option
but when Our beloved Ashley does recover we will need financial help as she will need a healthcare team to help her regain her basic skills again as-well as constant monitoring and we will have to discuss further steps with her obgyn on the loss of our baby and the therapy needed after this traumatizing experience
on behalf of myself and Ashley Smith Thank you for all of your prayers,your donations,keeping us in your hearts together we will overcome this nightmare i just know it and believe it in my heart!