Assist Camille Surdi's Stroke Recovery
Donation protected
Assist Camille Surdi's Stroke Recovery
Hello, my name is Debra Paul. As some of you may know my sister, Camille Surdi, was dealt an unexpected blow in late September when she suffered a Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA), commonly known as a stroke. Needless to say this came as a shock to those of us who know her as a friend, family member, Golf Instructor and/or colleague who has shown care and support for us all in many ways.
Camille was on a vacation in St. Petersburg, Florida when the stroke occurred. During her travels she had begun to not feel very well and followed up at a clinic where she was diagnosed with COVID. A few days later, her strength continued to wane considerably. After two calls to 911 she was brought in to St. Anthony’s Hospital in St. Petersburg where doctors confirmed that she was suffering from a CVA.
Due to her recent COVID diagnosis Camille spent a week in an isolated room at the hospital where she continued to receive medical care.Toward the end of her stay doctors shared that recovery would take some time. The stroke had caused weakness in her left side and would warrant steady rehabilitation. Upon discharge she was admitted to an InPatient Stroke Rehabilitation Center. As Camille started to feel better regarding COVID she began to make progress with Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy. I had flown down to Florida from Washington State the day after her stroke. Our goal was to get back home to Washington as soon as Camille was cleared by the rehab staff for travel, which we were able to do a little over a week later.
After a couple of days in Seattle, Camille came to stay at my home in Bellingham for recovery. Although we are thankful that her stroke did not cause as much damage as what some other stroke victims have suffered her condition presents some real challenges. During the past couple of months she has had two short hospital stays where physicians ran some additional diagnostics. She has had appointments with her primary care doctor, a cardiologist, gastroenterologist, and a neurologist, as well as physical and mental health therapists. She has been dealing with varied body sensations, difficulty swallowing, and stroke fatigue and is working hard on not being too anxious, resting when needed and trying to stay positive.
Camille has been off work now since the end of September. She is grateful to have had some paid sick and vacation leave but medical bills and keeping up with living expenses have accumulated beyond her means. Through Go Fund Me we are asking for any donations you may be able to offer to assist with these unexpected costs.
As Camille heals her goal is to take one day at a time and sends thanks to all who have reached out. Being in touch is such an important part of all our lives. Camille appreciates you all so much and hopes to be back to playing golf, socializing and connecting with you soon.
Organizer and beneficiary
Debra Paul
Bellingham, WA

Camille Surdi