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Assist Jose's Family Through Sudden Loss

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The Rivera and Rodriguez family mourns the loss of our son, father, brother, nephew, cousin, and friend, Jose Ivan Rivera, who passed away early in the morning on Monday, June 3rd. He was 42.

Jose was a gentle soul with a strong will and sharp mind. He was often quiet and reserved but he had a boisterous laugh and silly sense of humor, and once he was comfortable he could wax philosophical about everything from national politics to Mystery Science Theater 3000 for hours. Although he struggled with self-doubt and with finding his place in the world, he was fiercely loyal to his friends, and, along with our sister, Melissa, was taking care of our mother, Luisa, up to his last day.

He did not want to be a burden on the family and especially our mother, so he avoided seeking medical care, despite assurances that we could figure it out or suggestions to try reduced cost clinics in the area, because he lacked insurance. That said, Jose showed no symptoms before his passing besides fatigue. Preliminary findings from the medical examiner indicate a potential liver issue.

This sudden loss comes less than a year and a half after the loss of our father, Alfredo, who lived for many years with advanced Parkinson's Disease, and after our mother, Luisa, completed treatment for triple-negative breast cancer. Luisa lives on a limited fixed income and savings, and the rest of the family also has limited resources. Your support will help our family pay for the funeral services and related costs such as the urn for his ashes, and any remaining funds will help the family with food, gas, or other basics in this difficult time. Your support would be a relief that can help us focus on remembering Jose and our time together. Any contribution you can provide is deeply appreciated.

Thank you.



  • Cindy Quach
    • $100 
    • 14 d
  • Anonym
    • $50 
    • 20 d
  • Dave Madan
    • $50 
    • 21 d
  • Anonym
    • $100 
    • 21 d
  • Stephen Nolan
    • $100 
    • 24 d


Amarillys Rodriguez
Hartford, CT

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