Foto principale della raccolta fondi

Assistance for family of fallen Maine Captain

Donazione protetta

Arnold Nickerson IV, known by most as Joe Nickerson tragically passed away when his fishing vessel the Hayley Ann capsized on January 23, 2020.

Joe was a fourth generation lobsterman and Joe has over 50 year experience on the water.  He was a loving son, husband, father, and grandfather. 

We are trying to ease the financial burden of his end of life expenses, and hopefully raise some extra funds to support the family's immediate financial needs.

If you would prefer to send a check, please make checks payable to Maine Coast Fisherman's Association and inclose Nickerson in the memo.  The can be mailed to 14 Main Street Box 40 Brunswick, Maine 04011.

We appreciate any contribution.

Love the Nickerson Family

Team di raccolta fondi (2)

Sharon Nickerson
Kennebunk, ME
Hayley Brown
Team member

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