ATA's Dress Down Day for the Grace Smith House
Tax deductible
On Tuesday, November 23, 2021, we will come together as a district and participate in a dress down day to benefit Grace Smith House.
Grace Smith House is a private not-for-profit domestic violence agency, which provides both residential and non-residential services to victims of domestic violence and their children. Today, Grace Smith House has grown from one crisis shelter at its inception in 1981, to two shelters, one second stage housing and a follow-up and non-residential program. Their programs provide adult & child counseling, family court advocacy, Child Protective Services, Social Services advocacy, life skills training, continuing support groups and education about domestic violence.
In addition, Grace Smith House offers free educational services to local districts, including Arlington, where they come in to classrooms to discuss issues such as cyber-bullying, healthy friendships, and teen dating.
All donations are tax-deductible. You will receive an email from Pay Pal Giving Fund (PPGF) for your records. https://www.gracesmithhouse.org/
Kristine Jackson
Arthursburg, NY
Grace Smith House, Inc.