Attend CTAD 2022 (Alzheimer's Conference)
Donation protected
Hello! My name is Jesse (MayoMobile) and I am looking to raise ~$3,600 to attend CTAD 2022.
While my primary interest is in the Anavex Alzheimer's 2b/3 data being released on 1 Dec, I plan on covering most of the phase 2b/3 (3) data unveiled at the event.
Cost of the event is primarily related to airfare, registration, and hotel.
Donors will be invited to an exclusive chat room where I will post throughout the day my findings at CTAD. Ideally, I will have opportunity to look into Anavex's major competitors, and provide a deep dive of the Anavex presentation - including any observations on-site. On the night on 1 Dec I plan to conduct an audio call or video call to go over any additional details or answer any questions by donors.
If feasible, I plan to attempt to get something special at the conference or in town for my top 5 donors (excluding myself).
If the funds needed are not raised by Oct 31st all donations will be returned entirely. Thank you so much for the help!
Jesse Silveira
Kindsbach, Rheinland-Pfalz