Nick's Marathon for Aunt Deb
Tax deductible
December 11th my family and I lost one of my favorite family members, Aunt Debbie to metastatic breast cancer, otherwise known as the dreaded stage 4 cancer. If you had the chance to meet her you knew how hilarious, and fun she was to be around. Not only this she was the one of the most warm humans I knew. Every person was her "sweetie" and would grasp you in her arms, hug you tightly, and finish with a gentle kiss on the side of your head. I miss her dearly.

She was fighting cancer for some time and was kicking its ass might I say, until one day things didn't start getting better. That was when she was diagnosed with MBC. She kept fighting until the final days. She was so strong through this whole process. After hearing this I was inspired to do something. Something crazy to honor Aunt Deb and spread awareness to how underfunded MBC is. This year I decided to run a marathon. It will take place on June 27th and I will be fundraising until race day. Prior to making my decision the farthest I have ever run was 10 miles. If Aunt Deb can fight off cancer for as long as she did, I can pull my socks up and run a marathon. This is for you Debbie. If you hate cancer as much as I do lets raise some money so PINK can just be a color.
A little more info on METAvivor:
If you know someone who has died from breast cancer, they died from metastatic breast cancer (MBC). Yet, only 2 - 5% of money for breast cancer research is dedicated toward understanding metastatic breast cancer, or finding solutions to extend the lives of MBC patients. We need your help to shift the public discussion and prompt action for our disease. Together, we can be the catalyst for change. A diagnosis of MBC is terminal. Those with a diagnosis of MBC have unique needs such as the need for expedited benefits, including Social Security and disability income. They also want to have the Right to Try new treatment and therapies and, of course, need affordable health insurance that will meet their unique needs. Want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money to benefit METAvivor Research and Support Inc., and any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me. Learn More Here

She was fighting cancer for some time and was kicking its ass might I say, until one day things didn't start getting better. That was when she was diagnosed with MBC. She kept fighting until the final days. She was so strong through this whole process. After hearing this I was inspired to do something. Something crazy to honor Aunt Deb and spread awareness to how underfunded MBC is. This year I decided to run a marathon. It will take place on June 27th and I will be fundraising until race day. Prior to making my decision the farthest I have ever run was 10 miles. If Aunt Deb can fight off cancer for as long as she did, I can pull my socks up and run a marathon. This is for you Debbie. If you hate cancer as much as I do lets raise some money so PINK can just be a color.
A little more info on METAvivor:
If you know someone who has died from breast cancer, they died from metastatic breast cancer (MBC). Yet, only 2 - 5% of money for breast cancer research is dedicated toward understanding metastatic breast cancer, or finding solutions to extend the lives of MBC patients. We need your help to shift the public discussion and prompt action for our disease. Together, we can be the catalyst for change. A diagnosis of MBC is terminal. Those with a diagnosis of MBC have unique needs such as the need for expedited benefits, including Social Security and disability income. They also want to have the Right to Try new treatment and therapies and, of course, need affordable health insurance that will meet their unique needs. Want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money to benefit METAvivor Research and Support Inc., and any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me. Learn More Here
Nicolas Bjorkman
Tacoma, WA
METAvivor Research and Support Inc.