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Aurora's Community Circle of Care

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Aurora Levins Morales Solidarity Brigade and Community Circle of Care Update on Wed. Feb. 24, 2021 



Aurora’s was released from the hospital on Sat 2/13/2021! She is now at home in Maricao, Puerto Rico resting and healing.  Let’s gather some love energy to reach our current GoFundMe goal of $10,800+.

As of 8:45am today we’ve collectively raised $9,842 - we are 91% there with $958 to go❣️

Aurora is so grateful for everyone’s support for emergency medical care, medications, food and healthcare in her GoFundMe. She has indicated that it will be most helpful for her longer term solidarity and sustainability to donate to and join her Patreon community.

Click here to join Aurora’s Patreon Community

Here is Aurora’s most recent Patreon post

Here is Aurora’s website:

Thank you so much to the 131 donors and many many people who’ve “shared” and

Reposted our GoFundMe. 

Link to GoFundMe:

Sending love, laughter, rest, rejuvenation, healing, happiness, community care, juicy justice and joy to you Aurora, today and always


Actualización de la Brigada de Solidaridad y el Círculo Comunitario de Cuidado de Aurora Levins Morales el miércoles. 24 de febrero de 2021



¡Aurora's fue dada de alta del hospital el sábado 13/02/2021! Ahora está en su casa en Maricao, Puerto Rico descansando y sanando. Reunamos un poco de energía amorosa para alcanzar nuestro objetivo actual de GoFundMe de $ 10,800 +.

A las 8:45 am de hoy, hemos recaudado colectivamente $ 9,842; estamos en el 91% con $ 958 restantes❣️

Aurora está muy agradecida por el apoyo de todos para la atención médica de emergencia, medicamentos, alimentos y atención médica en su GoFundMe. Ella ha indicado que será de gran ayuda para su solidaridad y sostenibilidad a largo plazo donar y unirse a su comunidad de Patreon.

Haga clic aquí para unirse a la comunidad de Patreon de Aurora

Aquí está la publicación de Patreon más reciente de Aurora

Aquí está el sitio web de Aurora:

Muchas gracias a los 131 donantes y a muchas personas que han "compartido" y

Volvió a publicar nuestro GoFundMe.

Enlace a GoFundMe:

Enviando amor, risa, descanso, rejuvenecimiento, sanación, felicidad, cuidado comunitario, justicia jugosa y alegría para ti Aurora, hoy y siempre 


Aurora Levins Morales Solidarity Brigade and Community Circle of Care Update on Fri. 2/19/2021 

Aurora’s was released from the hospital on Sat 2/13/2021! She is now at home in Maricao, Puerto Rico resting and healing.  Let’s gather some love energy to reach our current GoFundMe goal of $10,800 by her 67th birthday on Wed. 2/24/2021 (in 5 days ) As of 8:30am today we’ve collectively raised $9,738 - we are 90% there with $1,062 to go in the next 5 days❣️

Aurora is so grateful for everyone’s support for emergency medical care, medications, food and healthcare in her GoFundMe. She has indicated that it will be most helpful for her longer term solidarity and sustainability to donate to and join her Patreon community

Click here to join Aurora’s Patreon Community

Here is Aurora’s most recent Patreon post

Here is Aurora’s website:

Here are some of Aurora’s Facebook posts since she left the hospital

fri. 2/19/2021  6:20 am PST 

“Does anyone have a good holistic nutritionist? Does anyone know a good holistic nutritionist that works remotely?”

Wed 2/17/2021 6:44pm PST

“At home in my own bed, with amazing support from Michelle Suarez. Hoping to sleep deep and long.”

Wed 2/17/2021 10:23am PST

“Headed for the mountains!”

Tues 2/16/2021 4:22pm PST

“Resting at the compound of Ali and Doris in Cabo Rojo with my new resident apprentice Michelle. So grateful for her help. I’m so tired my legs shake when I stand. Tomorrow we return to the mountains and I fully commit to my hammock.  I’m going to need a lot of rest for a long time. Hoping the scary drug I’m on that makes people bleed too much will only be on my menu for a month or two. I mive as if I’m made of glass. I’m so tired it’s hard to talk, which, you know—not usually an issue for me. So grateful for all of you, lifting my spirits.”

 Sat 2/13/2021 3:20pm PST

“My new medication is $600/month, $400 with a coupon, and my insurance doesn’t want to pay any of it. Grrrr!!! Hopefully it won’t be long term, and I may qualify for a program. It’s what protects me from clots that could kill me. Thanks to your collective support it won’t bankrupt me.”

 Sat 2/13/2021 11:15am PST

Goodbye longtime hospital room.

Thank you so much to the 128 donors and many many people who’ve “shared” and

Reposted our GoFundMe. 

Link to GoFundMe:


Actualización de la Brigada de Solidaridad de Aurora Levins Morales y el Círculo Comunitario de Cuidado el viernes. 19/02/2021

¡Aurora's fue dada de alta del hospital el sábado 13/02/2021! Ahora está en su casa en Maricao, Puerto Rico descansando y sanando. Reunamos un poco de energía amorosa para alcanzar nuestro objetivo actual de GoFundMe de $ 10,800 cuando cumpla 67 años el miércoles. 24/02/2021 (en 5 días ) A las 8:30 a. M. De hoy, hemos recaudado colectivamente $ 9,738; estamos al 90% con $ 1,062 para los próximos 5 días❣️

Aurora está muy agradecida por el apoyo de todos para la atención médica de emergencia, medicamentos, alimentos y atención médica en su GoFundMe. Ella ha indicado que será muy útil para su solidaridad y sostenibilidad a largo plazo donar y unirse a su comunidad de Patreon.

Haga clic aquí para unirse a la comunidad de Patreon de Aurora

Aquí está la publicación más reciente de Aurora en Patreon

Aquí está el sitio web de Aurora:

Estas son algunas de las publicaciones de Aurora en Facebook desde que salió del hospital

Vie. 19/2/2021 6:20 am PST

“¿Alguien tiene un buen nutricionista holístico? ¿Alguien conoce a un buen nutricionista holístico que trabaje de forma remota? "

Mié 17/02/2021 6:44 pm PST

“En casa, en mi propia cama, con un apoyo increíble de Michelle Suarez. Con la esperanza de dormir profundamente y por mucho tiempo ".

Mié 17/02/2021 10:23 am PST

"¡Rumbo a las montañas!"

Martes 16/02/2021 4:22 pm PST

“Descansando en el complejo de Ali y Doris en Cabo Rojo con mi nueva aprendiz residente Michelle. Muy agradecido por su ayuda. Estoy tan cansada que me tiemblan las piernas cuando me paro. Mañana volvemos a la montaña y me comprometo de lleno con mi hamaca. Voy a necesitar mucho descanso durante mucho tiempo. Espero que la droga aterradora que estoy tomando y que hace sangrar demasiado a la gente solo esté en mi menú durante uno o dos meses. Mimo como si estuviera hecho de vidrio. Estoy tan cansado que es difícil hablar, lo cual, ya sabes, no suele ser un problema para mí. Muy agradecido por todos ustedes, levantando mi ánimo ".

 Sábado 13/02/2021 3:20 pm PST

“Mi nuevo medicamento cuesta $ 600 por mes, $ 400 con un cupón y mi seguro no quiere pagar nada. Grrrr !!! Con suerte, no será a largo plazo y puedo calificar para un programa. Es lo que me protege de los coágulos que podrían matarme. Gracias a su apoyo colectivo, no me arruinará ".

 Sábado 13/02/2021 11:15 am PST

Adiós a la habitación del hospital.

Muchas gracias a los 128 donantes y a muchas personas que han "compartido" y

Volvió a publicar nuestro GoFundMe.

Enlace a GoFundMe:


#AuroraLevinsMoralesSolidarityBrigade #CommunityCare #MutualAid #Rematriation

# Auroras67thBirthday



Aurora Levins Morales Solidarity Brigade and Community Circle of Care Update on Sat. Feb. 13, 2021 

Aurora’s just got released from the hospital today!  Let’s gather some love energy to reach our current GoFundMe goal of $9,000++. As of 1:45pm PST we’ve collectively raised $8,810 - 98% of our goal!

Here are Aurora’s Facebook posts on Fri 2/13 and Sat 2/13/2021

 Sat 2/13/2021 11:15am PST

Goodbye longtime hospital room.

 Sat 2/13/2021 6:00am PST

Thanks to the collaboration and support of the medical student who took the time to research my concerns, I am about to be released. Thanks to you, I have support for the transition and can create the conditions for people to help me in an ongoing way. Tonight I will sleep in a real bed with no interruptions for blood draws and vitals!!!

Fri Feb. 12, 2021 5:34pm PST 

I know I have managed a huge amount and done it well, and you have poured so much love and support my way— and it’s still hard not being able to share the ups and downs, decisions and doubts in real time. I spend so many hours a day alone, trying to make a way out of no way and make allies out of the people around me.  I can now manage the occasional 10 minute conversation and am trying to have one or two a day. Big victories today left me drained and a little weepy.

Not asking for advice. Just compassion.”

Thank you so much to the 114 donors and many many people who’ve “shared” and

Reposted our GoFundMe. 


Aurora Levins Morales is in the hospital being treated for atrial fibrillation- she went in on Jan 18th, 2021, and is back in the Hospital in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico now. She needs emergency funds to pay for a person to assist her with 24/7 care for the next 3-4 weeks when she gets out of the hospital, and these funds are also helping local folks by food and supplies Aurora needs while in the hospital.   

Goal #1- $3,000

We started this GoFundMe with a goal of $3,000 gratefully reached our goal in 3 days!!

Goal #2-$6,700

We increased the goal to $6,700 in honor of Aurora’s 67th birthday on Wednesday February 24, 2021. We reached $6,700 on Sun. Feb. 7, 2021. Thank you everyone!

Goal #3- $9,000

we are continuing the blessings, prayers, healing community care support with the energetics of Money- increasing goal to $9,000 in honor of 18 (chai, life in Judaism) x 5 (# of Oshun, 5 elements, alchemy, 5 pillars of Islam, 5 senses...) = 90 X 100 =$9,000. Imagining Aurora encircled in loving, engaged, informed, respectful care and community as she heals, by her 67th birthday on Wed. Feb. 24, 2021 and always. 

We will be putting more energy into visibility of Aurora’s visionary life work, writing, blog posts, teaching and organizing and more long term sustainable solidarity and community care through Aurora’s Patreon. 

We will update from Aurora’s facebook posts and communication with her community care and healing circle and Solidarity Brigade.

a few of Aurora’s facebook posts from when she went into the hospital on Wed. 1/20/2021

Wed  1/20/2021 Facebook post
“Admitted to hospital with atrial fibrillation.”

Thurs 1/21/2021 Facebook post
“I need a solidarity brigade. I am likely to be on blood thinners for three weeks in preparation for a procedure and being alone on the farm on blood thinners with a seizure disorder is unsafe. I need help organizing shifts of guests to stay in my guest trailer or tent throughout that time.”

from Sunday 1/24/2021 Facebook post

“This morning my heart rate is normal! Have to see if it holds without meds. I need to find friends who can stay with me in shifts for the next couple of weeks while I recover and work out new seizure medications. I have access to a two bedroom house with a pool near El Combate beach. Looking for a non-smoker, COVID tested before coming, who will wear a mask outside their bedroom and keep social distance, and not use scented products including natural oils while we’re together. Please help me stay safe!”

Sunday evening update: “heart rate came down but when they lowered the drugs, shot up again. I successfully negotiated for something to help me sleep since it’s nearly impossible. Got some rest. Nuclear stress test tomorrow to check for blockages in my arteries. I have to stand up for myself constantly, which gets tiring. A friend picked up sushi and unsweetened coconut chocolate ice cream—treat dinner! I will need a lot of help over the next few months. No idea yet when I’ll be leaving.”

from Monday 1/25/2021 Facebook post

¿Alguien conoce una buena cuidadora que podría venir a el Combate por un par de semanas? No puede fumar ni usar perfumes o productos perfumados. Es mayormente para acompañarme, ya que no puedo estar sola en lo que se ajusten mis medicamentos. Llevarme a hacer compras o a la playa, velarme cuando me meto a la piscina. Es en una casa de dos dormitorios.

“Does anyone know a good caregiver that could come to Combat for a couple of weeks? Can't smoke or use perfumes or perfumed products. It's mostly to accompany me as I can't be alone in what my meds adjust. Take me shopping or the beach, watch me when I get in the pool. It's in a two bedroom house.”

Fri. 2/5/2021 facebook post

 Nurses keep congratulating me on my low normal blood pressure. I tell them I don’t have a problem with high blood pressure. They say, but your medication is for blood pressure as if this is proof that I’m ignorant. I say, it’s also for control of heart rhythm. Which is why I need to keep getting it no matter how normal my blood pressure is. If I’m not on top of it my meds go haywire. 

I just witnessed an intervention when a woman’s heart stopped and the lead doctor kept having correct what the others were doing wrong and asking why necessary supplies weren’t in the kit. 

I am filled with confidence...that my ongoing vigilance is necessary.”

Sat 2/6/2021 Facebook post 5:33am PST 

 Hospital Life: I got to shower for the first time which was when I discovered I had left my fragrance free soap and shampoo at home. Toothpaste does kind of work as a minimalist shampoo. 

Last night my surgical mask reached its end of life by falling on a hospital floor. Not going on my face after than I began asking for a new one at 11pm and got one at 9 am.  My sheets had gotten tangled and fallen onto the floor. After waiting for an hour for someone to answer the buzzer, my saline drip and I went looking for a nurse. My legs got wobbly so I found a wheelchair and eventually a  nurses’ station. The nurse walked off. I asked if she could push me ( heart patient, arrhythmia, palpitations) she asked, in an annoyed tone how I’d gotten there. Slowly, I said, and with pain. Crankily pushed me back and made my bed. 

Always befriend and appreciate the cleaning staff. I talk with a woman who was cleaning my room about how people look through cleaning staff, and how especially in this pandemic, this place would be impossible without them. She told me about how the janitorial staff talk about this all the time. How quickly things would fall apart without them.

I’ve given up on the dietician and am having friends bring in food. She can’t wrap her mind around a breakfast that’s the same as lunch. I tell her no gluten, low grain, no dairy, no eggs and I don’t eat a lot of carbs—just fish or tofu for protein, and veggies. Diabetic diet. First day, huge mound of mashed potatoes and nothing else. I try to rectify this and get pumpkin and nothing else. Today there’s a container labelled GF with an unidentifiable horrible greyish goo, and a super sweet cup of almond milk. There was a pear that unlike other days was ripe enough to eat, so I peeled off the external pesticides and had it with almond butter from home. This is why I try to only be in hospitals where I have friends nearby to feed me. Today my real breakfast is yesterday’s stir fried veggies and bean threads with canned sardines. I pack tamari, garlic powder and hot sauce. a friend is bringing me a bacalao dinner.

My heart still pounds unevenly and I try to listen.”

Sat 2/6/2021 Facebook post 6am PST

 Got my morning dose of bullying. Trying to get me to agree to a drug I don’t want for good reasons and trying to scare me off a drug I know, that’s old and takes monitoring. Then mansplains fibrillation again, then says I should get an ablation, where they burn a part of my heart that’s sending these extra signals, rather than TRY cardioversion. Ablation often doesn’t last.  The guy who can decide is the electrophysiologist who won’t be here until Wednesday or Thursday.

He mockingly assumes my information comes from shady websites ending in .com that are trying to sell something and pats me on the arm.  He keeps just repeating that what he’s explaining to me is the best option.”

Sunday 2/7/2021 Facebook post around 9:00am PST

 Today I washed my hair for the first time since I came here. My new roommate is a Morales of the western branch. I’m of the eastern branch. They divided in the late 1700s. I called on my mother’s energy for help, and when I do, usually a Morales appears. Also pigeons showed up outside the window, her bird.  I finally saw the cardiologist for a few minutes and he arranged for the electrophysiologist to see me tomorrow.   Today I just hang out and rest as much as I can. This is going to make one hell of an essay. No spoons to write while here, but when I get home...”

Sunday 2/7/2021 Facebook post around 12pm PST

“I haven’t gotten any of the stimulus money—not any of the times. Does anyone know what to do?”

Thank you so much for your care and solidarity!

Luz (Aurora’s assistant in Tejas), Maya (co-creator of this GoFundMe in Huichin/Ohlone territory/Oakland, Ca) with Aurora in Maricao, Puerto Rico- in collaboration with Aurora’s Growing Community Circle of Care and Solidarity Brigade



  • Miriam Simos
    • $40
    • 2 yrs
  • Karen Kerschen
    • $18
    • 2 yrs
  • Amy Sonnie
    • $100
    • 4 yrs
  • dori midnight
    • $108
    • 4 yrs
  • Sol Weiss
    • $36
    • 4 yrs

Organizer and beneficiary

Aurora Levins Morales
Austin, TX

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