Artists affected by COVID-19
Hello all...
We are seeking donations for a series of online-dance performances from home. The first performance will take place 31.03.2020 at 8:30 pm (Melbourne local time) and details for other performances to follow.
Samir & Santosh are renowned Indian classical dancers from Odisha of Rudrakshya Foundation Dance School (India) who due to the COVID-19 are now in Melbourne and not able to return home any time soon. They are making the most of the difficult situation and staying safe with us. We decided to start a series of online dance performances for you all.
We hope you will join us for every Facebook-Live performance. More info on Sam's Website: Current shows
| EPISODE 9 | Upcoming dance performance: 29/05/2020 at 8:00 PM (AEST)
The proceeds from this event will be used to provide assistance for them in these unpredictable times as well as cover all the unforeseen cost that may incur until things go back to normal again.
The performances will take place at our home that we have converted as a studio with full costume and make-up. We don't have professional lighting et al, however, they will do their best to provide you with a great experience through this 'show from home’.
About the Online Dance Show:
Prarthana is a self-created mantra by each individual that is usually recited secretly in one’s heart and mind to communicate with the cosmic consciousness for personal, communities, universal gains or favours. Prayers with pure, sound and focused mind and heart involve aligning chakras, breath control, blocking senses and travelling inward, is a form of meditation that is extremely powerful that helps achieve desired outcomes.
We will offer a series of LIVE streaming short performances called “Prarthana” to wish for peace in the world, in the middle region of the celestial beings and in the highest world of the gods.
Update: 22/05/2020 A little update on Samir & Santosh - As you may already know they are both renowned Indian classical dancers from Odisha of Rudrakshya Foundation Dance School (India) who due to the COVID-19 are now in Melbourne and not able to return home any time soon. Their current visa is running out begin of June - and we are in the process of completing all visa formalities, they are also required to complete the Health Examinations by approved migration medical services provider prior to submitting the Visa Forms. Samir (L) | Sam (M) | Santosh (R)
Samir Panigrahi
Santosh Ram
Melbourne 14th March 2020
A clip from our photoshoot, just a few days after our only one dance performance 'Kundalini the Awakening' that took place in Melbourne, at The Southbank Theatre on 13th & 14th March 2020 - just before all events got cancelled, border closed and all of their travel cancelled.
The tour 'KUNDALINI - The Awakening' for Auckland, Sydney and Bali has been postponed and hopefully will be re-done in the near future. We hope for the next year 2021 to bring these amazing dancers back to Australia, New Zealand and Indonesia.
More info on click here