Autistan Embassies
The concept af "Autistan", "intangible country of the autistics", will help us (the autistics) for self-esteem, and will help also for the mainstream public awareness about autism.
The "embassies" are important in order to have some concrete representation of the Autistan : please check http://Autistan.org
These places will serve also as showrooms for the realizations or collections of autistics.
This is good also for the parents, to understand better autism, and to have more hope and then to do the proper actions (special education, inclusion...).
For now we do not have any means to make physical Embassies, but there are online Embassies (internet pages).
You can see some of them here :
Your donation will help to pay for the Internet domains (more than 60, to renew each year).
I am (Asperger) autistic and not good to write social texts.
Don't be ashamed to give only 10 €, it will help.