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Avengers assemble! For our hero, Mighty Max!

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The Schneider family's lives changed forever when they found out that their unborn son had a congenital heart defect.  Not knowing yet what was laying ahead, they committed to this journey, to do whatever it takes for their little warrior.

Max was born with CHD. His diagnosis is DORV (double outlet right ventricle) VSD(s), mitral atresia, shones complex. He had his first surgery (a PA band) at 2 weeks old. At 1 month old he had a cath to place a stent in his heart. He then had a gtube put in because his heart condition makes him unable to eat by mouth because he gets too tired. At 3 months old he had another unexpected open heart surgery. Following that surgery and a difficult recovery, as well as fighting an infection in his chest, his heart function decreased and now his only option is a heart transplant. He is currently waiting at UF Shands Children's Hospital in FL and will soon have a berlin heart put in to help him remain stable enough to wait for a donor heart.

The Schneider family is in the midst of relocating two hours away, where Cristina will stay with their daughter Maddie (2) and her mom.  Jim will stay at their home and live apart from them for most of the week as he continues to work. As they are one of many families on the waiting list for the Ronald McDonald house, Cristina is looking for a furnished apartment to rent for the foreseeable future as they wait for a new heart for Max. Despite the many expenses, the stress of being separated, and the uncertainty of what's to come, they are trusting in the plan that God has for Mighty Max and their family. No one expects 'whatever it takes' to look like this, but together we can love and support this family so that they can continue to do whatever it takes.

Thank you in advance for fighting in Mighty Max's corner.

To follow their story, follow @schneiderheartfam  on Instagram.


  • Anonym
    • $400
    • 4 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Jenna Chapman
Fort Wayne, IN
Cristina Schneider

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