Avyka's Rainbow Cancer Fund
Donation protected
Be Avyka’s Rainbow

Maya Angelou once said, “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.” Today, the clouds are threatening a storm in Avyka’s life, and we have the chance to be her rainbow.
Our driven, dedicated, and beautiful friend, Avyka Black Campbell, is facing a life-altering medical crisis. She is only 38 years old with five beautiful children to live for—her five greatest reasons to fight.

Avyka was diagnosed last year with a rare form of anal cancer which causes severe pain, discomfort, and renders her incapable of performing routine activities. From January to March this year, Avyka received aggressive treatments of radiation and chemotherapy to conquer her form of cancer. To give her the best chance and the best care, her doctor recommended she receive her treatments at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland, which meant she lived in a hotel during the week and only saw her children on the weekends.

Knowing that her absence in her children’s daily routine was challenging, Avyka made a decision to relieve some of their anxiety: she rented warrior cold caps to prevent hair loss so common with cancer treatments. She wanted her appearance to look as close to normal as possible so that they wouldn’t worry. And though her treatments were exhausting and her body was weak, when she held them and looked in their eyes, she remembered who she was fighting for and she stayed the course.

But Avyka’s cancer story didn’t end in March. In June, she learned that the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes, had progressed from Stage 2 to Stage 3, and that an even more aggressive treatment plan is necessary for her survival. Her treatments this time will include two cycles of chemotherapy infusions over six weeks, followed by seven weeks of daily chemotherapy pills, more chemotherapy infusions, and twice daily radiation.
Throughout her treatments and recovery, Avyka has been unable to work and most days, she’s bedridden and battling pain and complications from her condition. Just as it takes a village to raise a child, so also does it require a village to alleviate the distress in a health crisis.

Avyka’s husband, Frank, and her children Aasiyah (15), Chase (10), Makhi (9), Zoe (5), and Tyler (2) are doing what they can to lighten her spirits and to help around the house. Her mother and father, Loretta and Al, have been by her side and helping with the children. Her sister and brother, Akyva and Alonzo, are stepping up and filling the gap with her daily routines, while her brother-in-law, Cori, is personally involved with her treatment.
If you know Avyka, then you know she is a fighter and rarely does she ask for help. But her family has convinced her that this is a fight she cannot do alone, and that asking for help is okay.
While her health insurance will cover much of her expenses for her treatments, she is unable to work and has already exhausted her leave and her leave donations for the year. While Frank is still working, he has depleted his leave and will need to take time off without pay to care for their family and Avyka. The next several months and possibly up to a year will be very challenging for Avyka and her family financially.

Our goal is to allow this family the time to heal through this medical crisis and not have to worry about day-to-day expenses when they should be focused on Avyka's health.

If you are inclined to give, no amount is insignificant. If you can’t give financially, a donation of leave is also welcome using the Federal Government’s Voluntary Leave Transfer Program. In order to donate, you’ll need the following information about Avyka:
Name: Avyka Nycole Campbell
Agency: Department of Treasury, Internal Revenue Service
Agency Address: 5000 Ellin Road, Lanham, MD 20706
Organization: Information Technology, Cybersecurity
(Leave Transfer Form: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1lBEc7X6-6SatiVcdem8SOp4ZoAwe-7NG)
Complete form 630B and give to your payroll for processing along with this contact information:
Kendra L. Feaster
Leave Transfer Coordinator/KM Cadre POC
Phone/VMS: [phone redacted]
Fax: [phone redacted]
[email redacted]
If you aren’t in the position to give financially or to donate leave, we welcome your prayers and thank you for taking the time to read Avyka’s story.
Please help support Avyka and her family.
Thank you for your generosity and for being Avyka’s rainbow!

Rainbow CancerFund
Waldorf, MD