Barristers Benefit Ball
Tax deductible
You can make a difference by donating today to Metro Volunteer Lawyers (MVL). MVL provides free legal services to individuals and families in the Denver Metro Area living at or below 200% of the federal poverty level, including the senior citizen living in low income housing who has seen the belongings of friends piled up the street after they pass and don’t want that to happen to them; the victim of domestic violence who is fleeing an abuser and wants to move forward by getting divorced but cannot afford an attorney; or the grandparent who has been raising grandchildren for years previously abandoned by their parents but now needs official paperwork establishing guardianship or custody for the purposes of medical care and/or education. MVL also serves the local legal community by offering various opportunities for attorneys interested in providing pro bono services and the courts by providing much needed assistance to the significant number of pro se parties with matters before the courts.
MVL is the pro bono program of the Denver Bar Association, in collaboration with the Adams/Broomfield, Arapahoe, Douglas/Elbert and First Judicial District Bar Associations. MVL has provided services to the community for over 55 years and continues to do so both remotely and in-person during these difficult times.
Please visit our Patron and Diamond Sponsor websites:
Sole Patron Sponsor: A message from Barbara and Ken Laff
Diamond Sponsor: Sherman & Howard
Diamond Sponsor: The Harris Law Firm
MVL is the pro bono program of the Denver Bar Association, in collaboration with the Adams/Broomfield, Arapahoe, Douglas/Elbert and First Judicial District Bar Associations. MVL has provided services to the community for over 55 years and continues to do so both remotely and in-person during these difficult times.
Please visit our Patron and Diamond Sponsor websites:
Sole Patron Sponsor: A message from Barbara and Ken Laff
Diamond Sponsor: Sherman & Howard
Diamond Sponsor: The Harris Law Firm
Denver Bar Foundation