I'm sure you've heard about what's going on in Texas. Well, my brother and his family (wife, two children, two cats and two dogs) are currently displaced because of it. Their townhouse was without power and water during the snowstorm and they were forced into any rooms they could find that would accept them and their pets. They've went without food and gas to pay for rooms that increased their prices during this emergency. Many places turned them away because they didn't allow cats. This is a family that has been meticulous about trying to quarantine because his wife is immuno-compromised. They've been in quarantine since last March and now they're forced out of their home. They're home is not livable. The power is back on. However, the pipes burst in their home and there's standing water throughout. The food in the refrigerator has perished and they've exhausted funds trying to find livable rooms they can afford. FEMA has been contacted, However, they help those without insurance. Insurance has been contacted, but the claim is not immediate help and they need assistance TODAY. Please, I'm begging you, help them get through this. Any amount helps. From my brother: "At 2:30am on February 15th, 2021 our power, along with 2m other residents, was disconnected during the worst snowstorm Texas has seen since 1899- and what ERCOT and Greg Abbott said would be a 15-45 minutes inconvenience soon turned into an absolute nightmare that we continue to live eight days later. The first four days were spent in a motel 6 with my wife, my son and our family's 4 animals. Yes there were roaches, no the area was far from safe or family friendly, and sure the sink had a leak so the carpet was in a constant state of saturation- but it was the only room in the city that accepted pets, so we didn't have the privilege of being choosey. We roughed it. Heating up canned goods with ziplock bags and hot water to feed my family because fast food restaurants were closed the first few nights, some days I went without just to make sure there was enough to go around and in the first four days I lost 12 pounds. Hard decisions, yes, but we're all doing what we have to do down here to survive. By day 5 the power was finally restored, and the temperature began to climb by day 6- but we were then confronted with the reality of the damage that can be done when a structure goes without power during a blizzard. Pipes bursting due to freezing temperatures as low as -2 some nights prompted property managers to cut the water at the main, and in the process of restoration over pressurized the lines and burst pipes in my walls that until that point were fine. My son discovered this day 7 while checking on our townhouse after work at 11pm he discovered numerous holes in the walls and ceiling, standing water and an unlocked door. Luckily nothing big was stolen, but everything is in such disarray we won't be able to take full inventory until this ordeal ends- if it ever does. So here we are on day 8 and our townhouse is still uninhabitable, and after 7 days of hemorrhaging money due to hotel costs and takeout we have no choice but to accept this truth."