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Keep my home, Tessa Dick

Spende geschützt
You've helped me to keep my home over the years, and I've had some repairs done that were badly needed. Some people volunteered to help me, but I did have to pay for materials. Some things required a plumber or an electrician, while other things were just repairs that I am not strong enough to do for myself. I'm on a fixed income, and I seem to be short at least $100 every month. I broke my back twice, once last October and once about a month ago. Now I really need your help. I'm eternally grateful for what I have received, and I pray that you can continue to help.
Thank you all so very, very much.



  • Anonym
    • $30
    • 13 d
  • Dan Allen
    • $30
    • 20 d
  • Anonym
    • $130
    • 20 d
  • David Boyle
    • $30
    • 1 mo
  • Brian Tseng
    • $100
    • 1 mo


Tessa B. Dick
Crestline, CA

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