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Help Abraham, the man assaulted by the feminists

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Thank you so much for all the support, words of healing, and help provided by friends. I didn't expect to have such magnitude; despite campaigns of defamation against my persona on social media, despite the false complaints to this collective. The support continues to show!

Hi, I am Abraham Presilla, and this means I want to explain what happened on Friday, March. 8. On the feminist movement mob day, I will like to show you the videos that circulate on the internet. I have the eagerness and opportunity to communicate my feelings.

All this begins when I leave my work at 3:00 p.m. by a street called "Jump of the Water," and as usual, I go play chess at the tables at "The Central Alameda." This regular activity stretches my mind to have fun for a while after a long day of work. My mom calls me because they require me at home (for this, my family does not enjoy the best health, which is why my presence is important), and I prepare to go.

For this, I crossed the hemicicle to Juarez solely on the bench, where there is no march of protesters, and I traveled pushing my motorcycle off, discreetly "disguised" heading the same way several people were carrying there bread carts, bullets, devils, and other things with them because, after all, it is the city of Mexico, full of people with many things to do and many places to go. I repeat that in that route, I was neither on my bike nor with the motorbike on, nor in the middle of the march, nor much less venturing the bike, as several people deceitfully say. I am a person who considers himself peaceful and without the need to resort to violence in the first instance.

I come to the corner of "Bellas Artes," and neither demonstrators nor police nor anyone tells me anything about being there, and it makes sense because I was not doing anything illegal or wanting to provoke something; unless there is a stop in the country, I had all the right to walk there, but it is when I have to cross the Corner of Fine Arts to go to the other bench when a girl quickly disconnects the keys of my motorcycle (which all the time was turned off), getting stuck thinking about how to act because at that moment my bike could be stolen easily. I wanted to stay calm because after all, it seemed that their response to taking my keys was the intention of never seeing them again!

The whole situation begins to get tense when a group of women start screaming at me, others only insulting me for pleasure, singing "get out men, get out men," but referring only to me (when on the march there were several men). While I tried to explain that one had taken my keys and that I only wanted to recover them to follow my way and leave as soon as possible, the harassment increased, so I decided to leave without keys. I notice that even if I allowed it to take command, the harrasment continued, although I heard them say, "Men leave, men leave, men leave, men leave, men leave ", to me only.

I hold my bike; there is no room for me to move forward; I worry about my belongings and security; and it all happens when several of them start to attack me, to the point where I say to myself, "This can't be happening. I need to escape before it gets overboard with the power they are messing with. Self-defense is my first concern. To protect my dignity, every person must respond to what is important to protect, and the first one for me was "honor."

I pushed back the feminist girl who was mocking me. Another woman tried to attack my bag pack and attempted to take my belongings. At the end of the tussle, I had concluded that there was no way to go back now and persuade the participants that I had the right of way if I was letted to at least reach the side walk, until a burst of emotion from the feminust end burstef, the same girl that atacted me atekpted to cheack me. I acted for the honer of self defense leading me to a point where I was impided to move any furder.

Fortunately, it all ended in a matter of seconds after the police intervention. I was lying down on the floor with my arms covering my head from the kicks and punches of the feminist mob. I had to heed, like if there was a nuclear bomb about to burst, and one needs to cover as best as possible to survive the bomb. I was separated from the group when the federals arrived, but not until the state arrived and had to handcuff me and dominate to follow up an investigation.

After losing all my belongings and my bike being vandalized, I was only taken to a public ministry, where I remained detained.

Finally, with the help of my family, I was released, but other problems arised since then. Several people consider me public enemy number one; I have been left without a job (I am prevented from working without giving any explanations and making false statements about me), and the shock of what has happened still persists.

I turn to the general population to raise

Actualización: Muchas gracias por todas las palabras de apoyo y la ayuda brindada amigos, no pensé que tuviera tal magnitud, a pesar de campañas de difamación hacia mi persona y de denuncias falsas a esta colecta, el apoyo se sigue mostrando.

Hola soy Abraham Presilla, por este medio quiero explicar lo sucedido el viernes 8 de marzo en la marcha del dìa de la mujer, dar la versiòn de los hechos que se muestran en los videos que circulan en internet, y tambièn darme oportunidad de comunicar mi sentir.

Todo esto comienza desde que salgo de mi trabajo a las 3:00pm por Salto del agua, y como es de costumbre, paso a jugar ajedrez a las mesas de la Alameda central para poder desestresarme y divertirme un rato, al poco tiempo mi familia me marca porque me requieren en la casa (para esto mi familia no goza de la mejor salùd fìsica, motivo por el que es importante mi presencia) y dispongo a irme.

Para esto cruzo el hemiciclo a Juarez ùnicamente en la banqueta, donde no està la marcha de manifestantes, y camino empujando mi moto apagada, de forma discreta y disimulada de la misma forma en que habia varias personas llevando carritos, bultos, diablillos y demàs cosas consigo pues despuès de todo, es la ciudad de mèxico llena de personas con muchas cosas por hacer y a muchos lugares hacia donde ir, repito que en ese traslado yo no estaba ni encima de mi moto, ni con la moto encendida ni enmedio de la marcha ni mucho menos aventando la moto como varias personas engañosamente dicen, soy una persona que se considera pacìfica y sin necesidad de recurrir a la violencia en primer instancia.

Llego a la esquina con bellas artes, hasta este momento ni manifestantes ni policias o cualquier persona me decìa nada sobre el estar ahì y tiene sentido porque yo no estaba haciendo nada ilegal o queriendo provocar algo, a menos que haya toque de queda en el paìs, yo tenìa todo el derecho de caminar ahì, pero es cuando tengo que cruzar la esquina de Bellas Artes para irme a la otra banqueta cuando una chica ràpidamente desconecta las llaves de mi moto (la cual todo el tiempo estuvo apagada), quedandome varado pensando en còmo actuar debido a que en ese momento mi moto podìa ser robada fàcilemente pero tambièn no podìa alterarme ni buscar a quien las habìa hurtado porque desconocìa cuantas eran o cuales eran sus verdaderas intenciones.

Toda la situaciòn se comienza a tensar cuando un grupo de personas empieza a gritarme, otras solo me insultan por gusto, cantan "fuera hombres" pero refiriendose solo a mì (cuando en la marcha habìa varios hombres) mientras yo trataba de explicar que una se habia llevado mis llaves y que solo querìa recuperarlas para seguir mi camino y marcharme cuanto antes;
ahì me empiezan a encerrar y el hostigamiento incrementa, decido marcharme sin llaves, pues total empujar mi moto hasta mi casa o almenos hasta salirme de ahì es mejor idea que quedarme un solo segundo màs, pero noto que ni siquiera me estàn dejando ir, (a pesar que me pedìan a gritos que me fuera) me retienen la moto, no hay ningun espacio por el pueda avanzar, me preocupo sobre mis pertenencias y seguridad y todo se detona cuando varias de ellas comienzan a agredirme fìsicamente, punto donde me veo amenazado y en necesidad de responder a la agresión y a actuar en legìtima defensa, en respeto hacia mi persona salvaguardando la dignidad, de lo mas importante por lo que cada persona debe luchar.

Afortunadamente terminò todo en cuestiòn de segundos despuès de la intervenciòn policial y me separaran del grupo.
Despuès de perder todas mis pertenencias y mi moto quedando vandalizada, solo a mì me llevaron a un ministerio pùblico donde permanecì retenido.

Finalmente con ayuda de mi familia me liberaron, pero demàs problemas han surgido desde entonces puesto que varias personas me consideran enemigo pùblico nùmero uno, me he quedado sin empleo, (me impiden laborar sin dar màs explicaciones y rindiendo declaraciones falsas sobre mì) y la conmociòn de lo ocurrido todavìa persiste.

Acudo a la poblaciòn en general para recaudar ayuda en cualquier forma que se les permita, donde el uso destinado de los recursos recaudados será para recuperar el costo de mi motocicleta destruida, la fianza injustamente impuesta por el ministerio público, el costo de cubrir mis expensas a razón del despido injustificado, equipo legal para contrarrestar las difamaciones y campañas de desprestigio hacia mi persona.

Toda cooperaciòn es bienvenida, gracias!


  • Anonymous
    • $20
    • 5 mos
  • Kevin Martinez
    • $25
    • 5 mos
  • Roberto Dominguez
    • $30
    • 6 mos
  • Anonymous
    • $5
    • 6 mos
  • Anonymous
    • $5
    • 6 mos


Abraham Presilla
Los Angeles, CA

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