Ayúdanos a comprar el terreno para el Colegio
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Hola somos Ana y Andrea, y estamos recaudando fondos para la compra del terreno y construcción del Colegio Semillas.
Visita nuestra página web para obtener más información.
Este es el terreno que cumple con todos los aspectos que estamos buscando (tamaño, ubicación, suelo terciario para construcción de servicios que incluye educación) ayúdanos a llegar a la meta para poder comprarlo y estar un paso más cerca de llevar a la vida el Colegio Semillas
El Colegio Semillas es un proyecto innovador que nació hace 3 años con el propósito de dar un giro de 180º a la educación; queremos mantener la UNIDAD FAMILIAR cuando uno de sus hijos tiene alguna dificultad o desorden en el desarrollo neurológico, emocional y/o físico, para el que necesita apoyo, cuidado y atención especial y personalizada, ya que normalmente esto causa que la familia sufra una división al tener que acudir a diferentes centros o colegios para cubrir las necesidades de todos sus hijos, sin mencionar que la mayoría de las veces no cuentan con una guía ni apoyo suficiente para enfrentar todo lo que se necesita en cuanto a educación y desarrollo de sus hijos que tienen estas características. Creemos que es importante que la familia se mantenga unida, y por esta razón construimos este colegio para dar un giro de 180º a la educación existente.
Nuestro Colegio cuenta con dos divisiones, la División Semillas-Julia y la División Semillas-Alfonso, con ambas queremos lograr que exista una integración real de los niños con y sin necesidades especiales. La División Semillas-Julia está enfocada en alumnos con dificultades cognitivas en el aprendizaje desde el inicio de la vida, con énfasis en alumnos con autismo (T.E.A, T.G.D, ASPERGER, RETT) y la División Semillas-Alfonso está enfocada para todo tipo de alumnos, con o sin dificultades (no neurológicas, sino por ejemplo T.D.A.H, Dislexia, Disgrafía, etc. ) y con altas capacidades en el aprendizaje desde el inicio de la vida.
Nos basamos en la definición de los derechos del niño, quienes deben ser capaces de desarrollarse física, mental, social, moral y espiritualmente con libertad y dignidad, por eso queremos crear una enseñanza en la que el alumno se convierta en PROTAGONISTA y el profesor en el GUÍA, en un trabajo en conjunto a las familias, donde la autonomía y las artes (en particular la música), el juego y el deporte, sean parte importante de su educación y vida, desde el inicio de esta y les brinde oportunidades extras.
Este NUEVO modelo quiere conducir a nuestras nuevas generaciones hacia una renovación de los valores sociales y humanos, haciendo énfasis en la empatía, valor que se encuentra en el último lugar en la educación de hoy en día; nuestra propuesta de educación engloba a todo el niño en su desarrollo completo en todas sus áreas, llevándole a una mejor adaptación a las nuevas demandas tecnológicas y creativas de la sociedad del futuro, potenciando su autonomía, adaptación y criterio propio, además como novedad ofrecemos titulaciones regladas al terminar la educación en Artes, Deportes e Idiomas y luchamos por potenciar los derechos y competencias en la integración social y laboral de igual a igual en los niños de la División-Julia haciendo uso de todas sus capacidades para que puedan desarrollar una vida independiente y plena.
Hello, we are Ana and Andrea, and we are raising funds for the purchase of the land and construction of Semillas School.
Visit our website for more information.
This is the land that meets all the aspects we are looking for (size, location, tertiary land for the construction of services that includes education) help us reach the goal to be able to buy it and be one step closer to bring Semillas School to life.
Semillas School is an innovative project, with which we want to maintain FAMILY UNITY when one of its children has some difficulty or disorder in neurological, emotional and/or physical development, for which they need support, care and special and personalised attention, as normally this causes the family to suffer a division by having to attend different centres or schools to cover the needs of all their children, not to mention that most of the time they do not have a propper guidance or support to face everything that is needed in terms of the education and development of children with these characteristics.
We believe that it is important that families stay together, and for this reason we built this school, to make a 180-degree turn to the existing education. Our school has two divisions, the Semillas-Julia Division and the Semillas-Alfonso Division. With both we want to achieve a real integration of children with and without special needs. The Semillas-Julia Division is focused on pupils with cognitive difficulties in learning from the beginning of life, with emphasis on students with autism (ASD, ADHD, AS, RTT), and the Semillas-Alfonso Division is focused on all kinds of pupils, with or without difficulties (not neurological, but for example ADHD, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, etc. and with high capacities in learning from the beginning of their life.
We are based on the definition of the rights of the child, who must be able to develop physically, mentally, socially, morally and spiritually in freedom and dignity. We want to create an education in which the pupil becomes the PROTAGONIST and the teacher becomes the GUIDE, working together with families, where autonomy and the arts (particularly music), games and sport are an important part of their education and life, providing them with extra opportunities.
This NEW model wants to lead our new generations towards a renewal of social and human values, with an emphasis on empathy, a value that is at the bottom of today's education. Our educational proposal encompasses the whole child in their complete development in all areas, leading them to a better adaptation to the new technological and creative demands of the society of the future, enhancing their autonomy, adaptation and own criteria. In addition, as a novelty, we offer regulated qualifications at the end of their education in Arts, Sports and Languages and we strive to promote the rights and competencies in social and labour integration on an equal footing for the children of the Julia Division, making use of all their abilities so that they can develop an independent and full life.
Hello, we are Ana and Andrea, and we are raising funds for the purchase of the land and construction of Semillas School.
Visit our website for more information.
This is the land that meets all the aspects we are looking for (size, location, tertiary land for the construction of services that includes education) help us reach the goal to be able to buy it and be one step closer to bring Semillas School to life.
Semillas School is an innovative project, with which we want to maintain FAMILY UNITY when one of its children has some difficulty or disorder in neurological, emotional and/or physical development, for which they need support, care and special and personalised attention, as normally this causes the family to suffer a division by having to attend different centres or schools to cover the needs of all their children, not to mention that most of the time they do not have a propper guidance or support to face everything that is needed in terms of the education and development of children with these characteristics.
We believe that it is important that families stay together, and for this reason we built this school, to make a 180-degree turn to the existing education. Our school has two divisions, the Semillas-Julia Division and the Semillas-Alfonso Division. With both we want to achieve a real integration of children with and without special needs. The Semillas-Julia Division is focused on pupils with cognitive difficulties in learning from the beginning of life, with emphasis on students with autism (ASD, ADHD, AS, RTT), and the Semillas-Alfonso Division is focused on all kinds of pupils, with or without difficulties (not neurological, but for example ADHD, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, etc. and with high capacities in learning from the beginning of their life.
We are based on the definition of the rights of the child, who must be able to develop physically, mentally, socially, morally and spiritually in freedom and dignity. We want to create an education in which the pupil becomes the PROTAGONIST and the teacher becomes the GUIDE, working together with families, where autonomy and the arts (particularly music), games and sport are an important part of their education and life, providing them with extra opportunities.
This NEW model wants to lead our new generations towards a renewal of social and human values, with an emphasis on empathy, a value that is at the bottom of today's education. Our educational proposal encompasses the whole child in their complete development in all areas, leading them to a better adaptation to the new technological and creative demands of the society of the future, enhancing their autonomy, adaptation and own criteria. In addition, as a novelty, we offer regulated qualifications at the end of their education in Arts, Sports and Languages and we strive to promote the rights and competencies in social and labour integration on an equal footing for the children of the Julia Division, making use of all their abilities so that they can develop an independent and full life.
Fundraising team: Equipo de recaudación de fondos (3)
Asociación Semillas
Madrid, M
Andrea Quintero
Team member
Sergio Diaz Serrano
Team member