Ayudemos a Carlitos a salir de Terapia Intensiva.
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Mi nombre es Argenis Carvajal , tio paterno de Carlitos ,como le decimos por cariño , Carlos Manuel es un joven atleta de 31 años , Licenciado en Administracion , que descubrio su pasion por el voleibol convirtiendose en Entrenador y actualmente se desempeña como entrenador del Equipo Femenino en una Academia de Lima,Peru ; el perdio a su padre cuando aun era muy pequeño y con mucho esfuerzo y dedicacion se graduo logrando una de sus metas , la situacion actual de su pais natal Venezuela lo empujo a buscar nuevos horizontes y emigro con su esposa e hijo a Lima , Peru. Una mala praxis medica odontologica ocasiono con Diagnostico de: MEDIASTINITIS NECROTIZANTE DESCENDENTE DE ORIGEN ODONTOGENICOS y hubo que hacer una intervencion de emergencia que al dia de hoy ya lleva 17 dias en Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital Hipolito Unanue de Lima , entubado , recibiendo asistencia respiratoria con un ventilador mecanico , pues tiene comprometido sus pulmones , situacion que le impide respirar por si mismo, acudimos a nuestros amigos , familiares y todos los que quieran colaborar para subsanar los gastos medicos , tratamiento y alimentacion hasta lograr su recuperacion total . Agredeciendo de corazon en nombre de su Esposa , hijo , madre , hermanas y demas familiares por su ayuda .
My name is Argenis Carvajal, Carlitos's paternal uncle, as we call him out of affection, Carlos Manuel is a 31-year-old young athlete, Bachelor of Administration, who discovered his passion for volleyball by becoming a Coach and currently works as a Women's coach in a to Academy of Lima, Peru; He lost his father when he was still very young and with a lot of effort and dedication he graduated achieving one of his goals. The current situation in his native Venezuela pushed him to seek new horizons and he emigrated with his wife and son to Lima. Peru. Dental medical malpractice caused a diagnosis of : DESCENDING NECROTIZING MEDIASTINITIS OF ODONTOGENIC ORIGIN and an emergency intervention had to be made, which as of today has been in the Intensive Care Unit of the Hipolito Unanue Hospital in Lima for 17 days, intubated, receiving respiratory assistance with a mechanical ventilator, because his lungs are compromised, a situation that prevents him from breathing on his own, we turn to our friends, family and all those who want to collaborate to rectify medical expenses, treatment and food until he achieves his full recovery.
Thanking from the heart on behalf of his wife, son, mother, sisters and other relatives for their help.
Delray Beach, FL