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Help me raise money for my Cancer Treatment.

Hello, my name is Zaylex Villalobos, I’m 29 years old, I’m Venezuelan and a doctor by profession, I currently live in Chile. In 2016 I was diagnosed with Colon Cancer, I completed my chemotherapy treatment and came out successfully. After 6 years, a mesenteric adenopathy reappeared in an emergency abdominal CT scan which after several studies, an intestinal obstruction caused by it has compromised several organs, they had to perform a surgery called Whipple (pancreaticoduodenectomy) and the biopsy of that determined MUCINOUS ADENOCARCINOMA WITH INFILTRATING SIGNET RING CELLS ST IV, so that’s why I need to raise funds for my cancer treatment, because even though I am currently on a 3-month waiting list to be able to receive my chemotherapy at the hospital where it is free, due to the seriousness of my diagnosis I cannot wait and I must have it done privately.

Hola mi nombre es Zaylex Villalobos tengo 29 años, soy Venezolana y Medico de profesión, actualmente vivo en Chile. El día de hoy vengo a contarles un poco sobre lo que me hace acudir a ustedes.
En el año 2016 sufrí una obstrucción intestinal que termino en una cirugía llamada Laparotomía Exploratoria para determinar la causa de la obstrucción, encontrandose un Tumor el cual arrojó por biopsia ADENOCARCINOMA MUCINOSO DE COLÓN, por lo cual cumpli tratamiento con quimioterapia en Venezuela por 6 meses con FOLFOX del cual termine mi tratamiento con éxito. Por la situación de mi país y ser hija única tome la decisión de migrar a Chile en diciembre del 2019 para buscar un mejor futuro para mi y mis padres, por el tiempo de pandemia no pude realizarme mis chequeos médicos anuales correspondientes y a mediados del 2022 comencé a asistir a la urgencia por presentar dolores abdominales persistentes y en ocasiones acompañados de sangrado rectal, al principio el dolor lo relacionaban a cólicos biliares ya que tenia cálculos en la vesícula pero en Noviembre 2022 me realizaron una Tomografía de abdomen donde hallaron una adenopatía mesenterica, por lo cual me indica el medico de urgencia que debo solicitar una hora con un especialista (coloproctologo) porque debían evaluar esa adenopatía, el 14 de febrero de 2023 soy derivada desde atención primaria al hospital San Juan de Dios donde soy atendida por el especialista, el cual me indica estudios (Tomografía de abdomen y pelvis con contraste, PET/CT, colonoscopia, Endoscopia Digestiva Alta) y volver con los resultados una vez estuvieran listos. Los resultados del PET/CT mostraron en el area del abdomen y pelvis una lesión nodular sólida e hipermetabólica en la raíz del mesenterio del mesogastrio de 2,1 x 2,1 cm con SUVmáx visualizando un foco nodular hipermetabólico de aspecto adenopático y probablemente secundario. Así mismo se me realiza una endoscopia digestiva alta donde se encuentra una imagen de compresión extrínseca en estómago y segunda porción del duodeno, por lo tanto el comité medico decide el 23 de abril del 2023 realizarme una endosonografia en pabellón para tomar muestra de la lesión y realizar una biopsia la cual después de 21 días de espera del resultado resulto ser “muestra insuficiente” por lo que determinan realizar un nuevo comité medico y deciden realizar una cirugía abierta abdominal para un Intento de resección quirúrgica o Biopsia incisional + Colecistectomia, asignando la fecha de la cirugía para el día 25 de mayo, pero sufri una complicación el domingo 20 de mayo donde me obstrui y deciden hospitalizarme antes para iniciar tratamiento y reemplantear la cirugía ya que la lesión era la que estaba ocasionando todo ese proceso, finalmente ingrese el dia 25 de mayo a pabellón a las 8am para realizarme una cirugía llamada whipple (pancreaticoduodenectomía) la cual tuvo una duración de 12hrs por múltiples complicaciones que se presentaron en pabellón, al salir estuve 1 semana en UCI y 1 semana en sala de recuperación, luego de 1 mes me entregaron el análisis de la biopsia que concluyó ADENOCARCINOMA MUCINOSO CON CÉLULAS EN ANILLO DE SELLO INFILTRANTE ST IV, posterior a este diagnóstico el comite medico decide continuar tratamiento con Quimioterapia adyuvante + posterior control con imágenes, posible radioterapia local si no hay progresión y tratamiento con cuidados paliativos. En el hospital donde me he realizado todos los procedimientos anteriormente mencionados de forma gratuita me indican que debo entrar a una lista de espera de 3 meses para iniciar las quimioterapias, los cuales por la complejidad de mi caso y el retraso en mi diagnóstico no puedo esperar, esto me llevo a acudir al Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de Chile donde los tratamientos deben ser costeados por mi, el especialista de este centro me entrego indicación para colocacion de un catéter de quimioterapia y así poder iniciar mi tratamiento lo antes posible, el cual tiene un costo de 1.481.158 CLP lo que es el equivalente al cambio a 1,784.80 dólares, por su parte el tratamiento de quimioterapia llamado FOLFOX consiste en 6 ciclos, 1 quimioterapia cada 15 días por 6 meses lo que equivale a 12 quimioterapias en total, con un costo por quimioterapia de 1.205.324 CLP lo que es el equivalente a 1,452.42 dólares cada 15 días. Debido a los costos muy elevados que no puedo cubrir, acudo a ustedes para pedirles me puedan ayudar.

Si no puedes aportar monetariamente, tu mayor ayuda para mi es tenerme en tus oraciones y compartir esta imagen.


Hello, my name is Zaylex Villalobos, I am 29 years old, I am Venezuelan and a doctor by profession, I currently live in Chile. Today, I’m going to tell you about what makes me come to you. In 2016 I suffered an intestinal obstruction that ended in a surgery called Exploratory Laparotomy to determine the cause of the obstruction, finding a Tumor which yielded by biopsy MUCINOUS ADENOCARCINOMA OF THE COLON, for which I complied with chemotherapy treatment in Venezuela for 6 months with FOLFOX from which I finished my treatment successfully. Due to the situation in my country and being an only child, I made the decision to migrate to Chile in December 2019 to seek a better future for me and my parents. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, I could not have my corresponding annual medical check-ups and in mid-2022 I began to attend the emergency room due to persistent abdominal pain. Sometimes presenting rectal bleeding, at first the pain was related to biliary colic, due to the presence of stones in the gallbladder. But in November 2022 I had an abdominal CT scan where they found a mesenteric adenopathy, for which the emergency doctor told me that I should request an hour with a specialist (coloproctologist) because they had to evaluate that adenopathy, since February 14, 2023 I have been Being treated in primary care of the San Juan de Dios hospital where I am examined by the specialist, who tells me that I should undergo studies (CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis with contrast, PET / CT, colonoscopy, Upper Digestive Endoscopy) and come back with the results once they were ready. The results of the PET/CT showed a solid and hypermetabolic nodular lesion in the area of ​​the abdomen and pelvis in the root of the mesentery of the mesogastrium measuring 2.1 x 2.1 cm with SUVmax visualizing a hypermetabolic nodular focus with adenopathic and probably secondary. Likewise, an upper digestive endoscopy was performed on me where an image of extrinsic compression was found in the stomach and second portion of the duodenum, therefore the medical committee decided on April 23, 2023 to perform an endosonography in the pavilion to take a sample of the lesion and perform a biopsy which after 21 days of waiting for the result turned out to be "insufficient sample" for which they determine to carry out a new medical committee and decide to perform an open abdominal surgery for an Attempted surgical resection or Incisional biopsy + Cholecystectomy, assigning the Surgery date for May 25, but I suffered a complication on Sunday May 20 where I got blocked and they decide to hospitalize me earlier to start treatment and rethink the surgery since the injury was the one that was causing all this process Finally, I entered the ward on May 25 at 8am to perform a surgery called whipple (pancreaticoduodenectomy) which lasted 12 hours due to multiple complications that occurred in the ward. When I left I spent 1 week in the ICU and 1 week in the emergency room. recovery, after 1 month they gave me the analysis of the biopsy that concluded MUCINOUS ADENOCARCINOMA WITH INFILTRATING SIGNET RING CELLS ST IV, after this diagnosis the medical committee decided to continue treatment with adjuvant chemotherapy + subsequent control with images, possible local radiotherapy if there is no progression and treatment with palliative care. In the hospital where I have had all the aforementioned procedures performed free of charge, they tell me that I must enter a 3-month waiting list to start the chemotherapies, which due to the complexity of my case and the delay in my diagnosis I cannot wait. This led me to go to the Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de Chile where the treatments must be paid for on my own. The specialist at this center gave me an indication for the placement of a chemotherapy catheter and thus be able to start my treatment as soon as possible. which has a cost of 1,481,158 CLP, which is equivalent to the change of 1,784.80 dollars, for its part, the chemotherapy treatment called FOLFOX consists of 6 cycles, 1 chemotherapy every 15 days for 6 months, which is equivalent to 12 chemotherapies in total , with a cost for chemotherapy of 1,205,324 CLP, which is the equivalent of 1,452.42 dollars every 15 days. Due to the very high costs that I cannot cover, I come to you to ask you to help me.

If you cannot contribute monetarily, your greatest help to me is to keep me in your prayers and share this image.




  • Phil Ginsburg
    • $20
    • 1 mo
    • $40
    • 1 yr
  • Anonymous
    • $50
    • 1 yr
  • Anonymous
    • $20
    • 1 yr
  • Anonymous
    • $50
    • 1 yr


Karen Vivas
Thornton, CO

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