Ayudemos a Zoila (Conchita)
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Zoila (Conchita) es un excelente ser humano y una extraordinaria madre, abuela, hermana y amiga; es un ser especial y servicial que siempre busca ayudar a los demás, su carisma, energía y amor para todos no se hace esperar, y se ha ganado el afecto de todos los que la conocen. Zoila (Conchita) nos necesita ya que fue diagnosticada con linfoma y el día martes 19 de Noviembre de 2019 ingresó a la clínica para realizarse una extracción de ganglio de cuello y cuando ya estaba en recuperación presentó un cuadro cardio pulmonar que la ha mantenido en delicadas condiciones en el centro de salud, actualmente se encuentra en la unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI) de la Clinica D`Empaire (Maracaibo- Venezuela).
Necesitamos de todo el apoyo posible para que pueda permanecer bajo los cuidados médicos necesarios, procedimientos quirúrgicos, quimioterapias y todo lo que se requiera para su total recuperación. Tu aporte será parte de un gran milagro en el que el Todopoderoso ya está obrando. Nos aferramos fuertemente a Dios por la vida y salud de Zoila (Conchita). Les pedimos además un minuto de oracion para ella. Gracias
Zoila (Conchita) is an excellent human being and an extraordinary mother, grandmother, sister and friend; She is a special and helpful woman who always seeks to help others, her charisma, energy and love for all cannot wait, and she has earned the affection of all who know her. Zoila (Conchita) needs us since she was diagnosed with Lymphoma. On Tuesday November 19, 2019 she entered the hospital to perform a neck ganglion extraction, when she was already in recovery room she presented a cardio pulmonary emergency condition that has kept her in critical conditions in the health center, she is currently in intensive care unit (ICU) in the Hospital D`Empaire (Maracaibo-Venezuela).
We need all possible support so that she can remain under the necessary medical care, surgical procedures, chemotherapies and all that will be required for a full recovery. Your contribution will be part of a great miracle in which the Almighty is already at work. We cling tightly to God for the life and health of Zoila (Conchita), we also appreciate a minute of prayer for her. Thank you
Necesitamos de todo el apoyo posible para que pueda permanecer bajo los cuidados médicos necesarios, procedimientos quirúrgicos, quimioterapias y todo lo que se requiera para su total recuperación. Tu aporte será parte de un gran milagro en el que el Todopoderoso ya está obrando. Nos aferramos fuertemente a Dios por la vida y salud de Zoila (Conchita). Les pedimos además un minuto de oracion para ella. Gracias
Zoila (Conchita) is an excellent human being and an extraordinary mother, grandmother, sister and friend; She is a special and helpful woman who always seeks to help others, her charisma, energy and love for all cannot wait, and she has earned the affection of all who know her. Zoila (Conchita) needs us since she was diagnosed with Lymphoma. On Tuesday November 19, 2019 she entered the hospital to perform a neck ganglion extraction, when she was already in recovery room she presented a cardio pulmonary emergency condition that has kept her in critical conditions in the health center, she is currently in intensive care unit (ICU) in the Hospital D`Empaire (Maracaibo-Venezuela).
We need all possible support so that she can remain under the necessary medical care, surgical procedures, chemotherapies and all that will be required for a full recovery. Your contribution will be part of a great miracle in which the Almighty is already at work. We cling tightly to God for the life and health of Zoila (Conchita), we also appreciate a minute of prayer for her. Thank you
Heriana Lugo
Katy, TX