Azia Cancer Free Life...
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In Hopes of a Cancer-Free Life for Azia
My smart, loving, and beautiful 25-year-old daughter has cancer. But she is a warrior! Even while battling this devastating disease, she is pursuing an intense online master’s in marketing at FullSail University – a program which has now extended from 12 to 16 months (or longer) because of her recent life-altering diagnosis.
In December 2021, Azia started experiencing pain in her mouth, which she thought was a decaying wisdom tooth. But the pain became severe, and she eventually developed thrush and a mass on her tongue. After several emergency room visits and being sent home with Tylenol or directives to rinse her mouth with salt water, she was advised to see a dentist who recommended she see an ENT specialist. The prescription? Antiviral meds and special toothpaste. A second ENT doctor prescribed more meds.
Our research to find a solution brought us to ENT-otolaryngologist Dr. Jerry Huo, who finally did a biopsy on her tongue, which revealed my daughter has Squamous Cell Carcinoma – a type of skin cancer that develops in the middle to the outer layer of the skin. He explained that although this is a common type of skin cancer, it was very unusual for a 25-year-old. It is common in people over 40 who smoke cigarettes and drink heavily. Azia is neither.
Dr. Huo immediately scheduled Azia for glossectomy surgery to have the tumor and parts of her tongue (as a precautionary measure) removed on March 30, 22. Unfortunately, this has been the beginning of what he explained will be a long and painful recovery process. Post-op, she has suffered tremendous pain, unable to eat or drink.
Dr. Huo has warned Azia that monitoring her progress will be a life-long process. "Azia, you will be coming to see me for so long that I will have the pleasure of meeting your children & grandchildren," he noted. "You are at risk for life."
It seems he was right!
In August 2022, Azia developed another mass on her tongue, and he immediately booked her for another surgery. This time the result indicates that the disease is getting aggressive, and the doctor is now recommending radiation and chemo. As everyone knows, radiation and chemo cause a lot of damage to the body, including attacking bad and healthy cells. It’s truly a Catch-22 situation.
Fortunately, during this very emotional journey, we learned of an alternative holistic method that would be non-invasive, using the body’s own chemistry to reverse Azia’s condition and regenerate her body. We were introduced to this biochemist through a friend who had life-threatening health issues reversed completely, without the surgical procedures and medications that were originally prescribed. This Biochemist works out of central New Jersey, and because of the severity of Azia's condition, he will need to treat her twice a week for a minimum of six months. He also trains Azia on a completely new regimen that alters how her body processes food, stress, and other lifestyle triggers.
The total cost of her care, including transportation and lodging, is approximately $50k; it could be less or could be more; we will know as she progresses. We live in Queens, and it is recommended that she stay near the treatment center for the first couple of months because her body will be put under a lot of stress to reach recovery.
Dear family and friends, I am in dire need of raising this money in hopes of helping my daughter live a healthier, pain-free, longer life. She is so young and still very ambitious and optimistic about her future. I want to ensure that my only child stays inspired about the opportunities ahead of her to live an abundantly fulfilling life!
Please join me in prayer for Azia’s full recovery and in helping Azia become not only a survivor and warrior but an inspiration of hope to others fighting against this horrible disease we all know as CANCER.
Azia and I are so very thankful to you ALL!!!
Organizer and beneficiary
Ivelisse Rodriguez
Corona, NY
Azia Rodriguez