Hi, My name Laura Scalcione, I am posting this to benefit Donna Cleary , a dear friend of my sister, Ellen Dwyer and myself.Our kind , sweet friend, Donna (Carroll) Cleary,
has just recently been diagnosed with a
rare cancer called Stage 3 clear cell
carcinoma lung cancer. It has metastasized into her Kidney, adrenal gland, lymph nodes and trachea. It is a very rare cancer and doctors are in process of doing a great deal of more testing so they can develop the best treatment plan. Donna, at only 57 years old is in for the fight of her life. Not only is this a heart-wrenching situation on its own; it is especially devastating because Donna has lived through so much painful loss already.
Donna had lost a young son when he was only 19 years old. That devastating blow of loosing a child, left Donna struggling to get through every single day since. Not a day goes by that Donna doesn't feel the excruciating pain of that loss. After the death of her son, Donna lost her husband. Several years ago Donna's beloved husband of 32 years, Charlie, passed suddenly of a massive heart attack at only 53 years old. Charlie was Donna's childhood sweetheart, her support, her best friend, the person that helped her continue through life after the devastating loss of their son. Now she had lost Charlie as well; she lost the one person that helped her live through that tragedy. Donna did all she could to continue on, struggling to find the strength to hang on. She had to find a way for the sake of her other two sons.
Now Donna has been diagnosed with this rare type of stage 3 cancer leaving her feeling defeated, sad and completely overwhelmed; but she knows she must fight this battle!
Despite what Donna has been through, she did whatever she could to help others. Donna has a very big caring and kind heart. She spent several days a week visiting and helping her 99 year old great aunt. Once she developed symptoms she could no longer do so. The extreme fatigue, back pain and shortness of breath has prevented her from continuing. She now shares a home with one of her sons and is likely worried about keeping up with house expenses, taxes, utilities, food, etc. Once all of the imaging, testing, consults are complete ,it is likely that she will need to go though chemo/radiation as part of treatment plan. Even with her insurance, Memorial Sloan Kettering is actually out of network so there will likely be out of pocket costs and possibly other additional costs for health care, pharmacy, possible in home care/assistance needed in her home. The financial impact can be devastating.
Donna and her family need our help now! If you would kindly donate what you can to help offset the exorbitant costs so that Donna can focus on healing and not on finances, it would be so greatly appreciated. No amount is too small. Please help Donna and her family win this battle. Thank you in advance and God Bless you all.
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