Baby Adler Adoption
Hello, our names are Jonathan and Amanda Adler. This October will mark our 11th wedding anniversary, and the 10th year that we have tried for children with no success.
We have gone through the very long and arduous road of infertility treatments. From timed cycles, to In vitro fertilization (IVF), we have tried almost everything.
We have been through six different In vitro fertilization cycles, and had glimmers of hope twice with two confirmed, and subsequently lost children. We have lost six implanted embryos, and they will always live in our hearts and minds as our lost babies.
We are currently going through foster care classes to try to help our community in any way that we can, and using our lives and resources as examples of the parents that these children can have; though we believe that foster care is a means for reunification. We are looking to start our own family through adoption.
We know that we may be asking for a lot, however we do not have the financial means to see this dream realized by ourselves. We know that we can see victory through this.
If you can help us realize one of our life goals, and to help us make our couple a family, then we would be eternally grateful.
All it takes is:
41 people to donate $1,000
411 people to donate $100
822 people to donate $50
2058 people to donate $20
4116 people to donate $10
Please help us meet baby Adler!