Baby Beckham’s NICU costs
Baby Beckham was born 3 weeks ago. He is Bryan and Lauren’s first child...and has been in the NICU his entire short little life. This is a young, sweet, hardworking couple that have put their trust in the Lord to provide answers for Beckham’s needs. It’s been very hard seeing their days old child have to endure IV’s in his hands, feet and scalp, pick lines and many other procedures.
Beckham was transported by ambulance to Riley’s Children’s Hospital in Indianapolis for further testing regarding a condition called Hyperinsulinism. After over a week at Riley’s, the Endocrinology team believe it’s best he be transported to a hospital that specializes in hyperinsulinism in Philadelphia,PA. It’s called Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and we have heard nothing but wonderful things. While we believe it’s the right place for Beckham, it is extremely hard seeing such a little guy go through so much not to mention what mommy and daddy have to go through.
We are so thankful for modern medicine and the amazing hospitals and medical teams caring for sweet Beckham, but as you can imagine, it comes at a huge financial burden on this young family. Please help if you feel led to do so. I know it will be so greatly appreciated!