Baby Koukos IVF Journey
Hello Everyone!
It is with immense trepidation, and after a lot of reflecting, that we have made the decision to ask for support to help us grow our family via IVF treatment.
We are Kasey (37) & Shaughn (39).
I, Kasey, was born with a genetic disease called Cystic Fibrosis, and underwent a lifesaving liver and pancreas transplant in 1997. Ever since I was about 4-years old I knew I wanted to be a Mommy, but I honestly never thought I would have the opportunity. Early on in my life I was told I wouldn't make it to adulthood, prior to my transplant I was told I wouldn't live another 14 days, so looking out into a far away future that I desperately wanted but thought I would never get was not something I allowed myself to think much about. When I beat my second life expectancy I started to truly envision a future. A husband, and maybe even a family. In 2019 I qualified for a new drug trickling down the pipeline called: Trikafta, and it changed my life. Within weeks of being on the medication my lung function increased by 19% and I was told my health was no longer a factor and having a family and future was not only possible, but likely.
We immediately met with a fertility specialist and started the process.
In June 2020 we had our first round of IUI. It failed.
In August 2020 we had our second round of IUI and we actually got pregnant, which was followed shortly thereafter by a miscarriage.
We attempted to do a third round of IUI in October 2020, but when we lost my brother tragically the week we miscarried, my body stopped ovulating. My doctor told me that was not uncommon from stress factors, and at that point we made the decision to start the process for IVF.
We had an egg retrieval in November/December of 2020 and were able to retrieve 13 eggs. Out of those 13, 11 were mature enough to inseminate. Of those 11, 6 made it to Day 5. We biopsied those 6 to do genetic testing to rule out any possibility of CF or other critical health issues, and ended up with 4 "healthy" PGS tested blastocysts/embryos.
We had our first FET (frozen embryo transfer) in January 2021. Unfortunately we miscarried at 8 weeks 2 days.
We had our second FET on July 16, 2021. Unfortunately this transfer failed to implant.
We have 2 frozen embryo's waiting for us to transfer, but at this point the cost of creating a family is now a factor.
To date we have spent $42,550.00, as we pay 100% out of pocket for all fertility treatments.
Each IUI = $2,000.00 (x2.5)
Egg Retrieval: $14,500.00
Medication to Stim for Egg Retrieval: $4,500
Biopsy and Genetic Testing on Embryos: $5,000
Each FET: $4,500.00
Medication for FET: $2,500.00
Each Ultrasound after FET: $350.00
PLUS: We had to have a D & C when we lost our first pregnancy: $1,200.00
Once we had a viable pregnancy and "graduate" from the fertility clinic our health insurance will then cover our pregnancy cost. THANK GOD.
Asking for help is not easy. The cost feels too big, too impossible at times...but I am trying to open myself up to receiving and push past my embarrassment of asking for help. We want to be parents more than anything and to me that means fighting for our family, and asking for help. Any support given will go towards creating our family. If that means another egg retrieval, if that means surrogacy, if that means adoption...we don't know yet. For now we are so focused on trying to make the dream of having biological children our reality.
If our dreams come true and there is any money leftover it will be donated to someone else trying to start their own family.
Thank you for taking the time to read, share and support our journey...there are no words to show our gratitude.
Kasey & Shaughn