Lucas Matthew was born 7 months ago on October 25, 2019. He was born at Stanford with a team ready to intervene because while many parents are planning what color to paint the nursery, Jess and Matt were planning and preparing with an expansive medical team to give Lucas a chance at life. According to recent statistics (CDC.gov) it is estimated nearly 960 children (about 1 in every 4,344) are born with a congenital heart condition called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. This condition is fatal without medical intervention. Lucas is one of those little ones with HLHS. Lucas has spent 5 of the last 7 months of his life in the hospital. He is a fighter. He is the happiest little warrior. He’s been through two open heart surgeries. One at only 4 days old. The second surgery went well and they were told to go home and live their lives until the time would come for the third heart surgery. Due to a complication from the second surgery, that was not meant to be and they have been at Stanford since March 6th. The nature of this complication has involved a collaboration with Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Lucas has a leak somewhere in his lymphatic system which means his body is leaking fluid around his lungs. Stanford and Philadelphia have decided that his treatment needs to be relocated to Philadelphia. Children's Hospital of Philadelphia is willing to take them on and get Lucas all fixed up, they are the experts. Over the last 3 months, Matt has been continuing to live and work in Reno while Jess and Lucas are at Stanford. Matt drives down every Saturday night after work to spend a few days. This has allowed them to continue to maintain a home....a home that they have been wanting to bring him back to for 3 months. Lucas needs to have his home ready and waiting for him when he is able to come home. The days have turned to months and Lucas continues to be the happiest and most charming of little guys. Through it all, Jess and Matt are revitalized each day by his big, happy smile. Philadelphia is a game changer as both Jess and Matt need to be there but they need help. On behalf of the entire family, I am reaching out to help this beautiful little family in a medical and financial crisis. Please share and please donate if you can. Every little bit helps and is so greatly appreciated. Their medical bills are astronomical and growing by the day. But more than anything, Lucas needs his mommy and daddy by his side and his home ready and waiting for him.