Sterling's Triplet Medical Fund
Donation protected
On May 12, 2017 we (Serika Sterling and family) welcomed 26 weeks old triplet boys (Adam, Eli and Seth) into the world at the University Hospital of the West Indies, Jamaica. Having gone through a risky child birth procedure and saw multiple miracles unfold we held out all hope and faith that we would soon be telling the story of how they overcame the odds. However, our story was still unfolding and unknown to us a greater challenge was ahead. They all needed medication to keep their lungs open and were placed on ventilator to help them breathe marking the beginning of a long (not yet over) journey. Our lives were being changed forever and has changed forever – losing two of our babies weeks apart and with high hospital/medical costs which currently stands at approximately US$25,000.00 and climbing.
Thought to be the strongest of the three, Eli breathe on his own for 24 hours. His underdeveloped lungs gave out on Sunday and was given medication and placed on ventilator. Despite his fight, he passed away on May 18, 2017 exactly 5 days after birth.
Eli’s twin, Adam, was on medication and ventilator immediately after birth. He was diagnosed with a new illness almost every other day and did 12 blood transfusion for the next 7 weeks. On the morning of June 30, 2017 we were told by the doctors that they were unable to help him any further as his body was shutting down. That day we held our little Adam in our arms as we watched helplessly as our baby died.
Our lone survivor Seth is still in NICU (12wks 5days and counting) and continues to fight to survive. He has made progress but he too is plagued by setbacks that seem to pop up out of nowhere at times. He has chronic lung disease, had a blood and urine bacteria, multiple bouts of pneumonia and jaundice.
During all this time the hospital bills keeps climbing at an average daily rate of US$160 per day per child. Eli had a 5-day stay, Adam a 49-day stay and Seth 89 days and counting.
We are therefore using this medium to ask for a donation towards these unexpected hospital costs and prayers for our surviving triplet, Seth and our Family as we go through this Journey.
This page was created by our family friend Nahdoondoo Oakely in Canada to assist with the medical expenses for our premature triplet. All donations received will be sent to us by wire transfer by Nahdoondoo Oakley.
Thanks in advance for your assistance, prayers and kind words.
The Sterling Family
Thought to be the strongest of the three, Eli breathe on his own for 24 hours. His underdeveloped lungs gave out on Sunday and was given medication and placed on ventilator. Despite his fight, he passed away on May 18, 2017 exactly 5 days after birth.
Eli’s twin, Adam, was on medication and ventilator immediately after birth. He was diagnosed with a new illness almost every other day and did 12 blood transfusion for the next 7 weeks. On the morning of June 30, 2017 we were told by the doctors that they were unable to help him any further as his body was shutting down. That day we held our little Adam in our arms as we watched helplessly as our baby died.
Our lone survivor Seth is still in NICU (12wks 5days and counting) and continues to fight to survive. He has made progress but he too is plagued by setbacks that seem to pop up out of nowhere at times. He has chronic lung disease, had a blood and urine bacteria, multiple bouts of pneumonia and jaundice.
During all this time the hospital bills keeps climbing at an average daily rate of US$160 per day per child. Eli had a 5-day stay, Adam a 49-day stay and Seth 89 days and counting.
We are therefore using this medium to ask for a donation towards these unexpected hospital costs and prayers for our surviving triplet, Seth and our Family as we go through this Journey.
This page was created by our family friend Nahdoondoo Oakely in Canada to assist with the medical expenses for our premature triplet. All donations received will be sent to us by wire transfer by Nahdoondoo Oakley.
Thanks in advance for your assistance, prayers and kind words.
The Sterling Family
Organizer and beneficiary
Serika Sterling
Emeryville, CA
Nahdoondoo Oakley