Baby Troy's Medical Fund
This is our precious grandson, Troy. He was born on 12/30/2015. Towards the end of January, Troy came down with the RSV [virus] and pneumonia. He was in CMC East Intensive Care Unit in Concord, NC where his mom, Kimmee (our daughter in law), did not leave his side. So far Troy has had a spinal tap, an echo cardiogram, multiple x-rays and blood tests and even a PICC line after he exhausted all the IV spots on his little body (including his head). Troy has had multiple antibiotics, a feeding tube, oxygen, and even though his 12 day hospital stay is over (thank God!), these medical expenses have been continuing to add up fast.
MORE IMPORTANT than everything I've just described, it was discovered that Troy has a cluster of small holes in his heart. The doctors don't believe that these will close on their own. We're praying they're wrong. A cardiologist evaluates Troy soon and decides when his heart surgery will be. Our son Ben, works nights and Kim's maternity leave is up in March. Neither Kim or Ben have additional paid time off available. This has been the hardest thing they've had to go through. Add rambunctous 2 yr old Ezra and you know their stress and energy are at challenging levels.
We live in MA and want to be there for our son and his family. It breaks our hearts to be so far away. Creating this gofundme page is one thing we can do to show our love for them. Please consider donating to help with the doctor/hospital bills, medicines, time taken off, and the looming operation. No contribution is too small. It all adds up quickly. We are all praying for a miracle. Thank you so very much!