I have embarked on a journey #BackHome from Asia to Europe overland. Since many are obliged to do the same clandestinely, I am taking the chance to turn likes into donations, in this way crowdfunding for asylum seekers.
All of the funds raised here (minus platform fees) will go to Help Refugees , with 89% of donations to the organisation reaching different projects across Europe.
Your assistance, whether in the form of a donation, sharing or a sleeping coach helps me provoking and achieving this mission.
Whilst selfies seem to create the most engagement, there will be thoughtful content related to travelling, migration and sustainability. Follow me on Instagram or Facebook. I will be announcing a number of challenges - wanna get me to eat bugs, get my head shaven, or to find everyone in town wearing the jersey of your favourite football club? Donate and I will take them on!
Finally, I am looking for organisations that can invest in the production of these contents. Please, get in touch if you relate to the mission and would benefit from sponsoring this odyssey. I am happy to advertise your product or service, as well as to offer my skills in exchange.
For travel tips and everything else - just drop me a line to franciscosants at gmail dot com
See you on the road, #BackHome

I have embarked on a journey #BackHome from Asia to Europe overland. Since many are obliged to do the same clandestinely, I am taking the chance to turn likes into donations, in this way crowdfunding for asylum seekers.
All of the funds raised here (minus platform fees) will go to Help Refugees , with 89% of donations to the organisation reaching different projects across Europe.
Your assistance, whether in the form of a donation, sharing or a sleeping coach helps me provoking and achieving this mission.
Whilst selfies seem to create the most engagement, there will be thoughtful content related to travelling, migration and sustainability. Follow me on Instagram or Facebook. I will be announcing a number of challenges - wanna get me to eat bugs, get my head shaven, or to find everyone in town wearing the jersey of your favourite football club? Donate and I will take them on!
Finally, I am looking for organisations that can invest in the production of these contents. Please, get in touch if you relate to the mission and would benefit from sponsoring this odyssey. I am happy to advertise your product or service, as well as to offer my skills in exchange.
For travel tips and everything else - just drop me a line to franciscosants at gmail dot com
See you on the road, #BackHome

Francisco Santos