Foto principal da arrecadação de fundos

Baitul Mukarram Masjid building

Imposto dedutível
As Salamu ‘Alaikum wa Rahmaatullah,

Dear Brothers and Sisters,                                                     
              After 9 years of renting a space for our masjid, the dream of having a permanent place for Baitul Mukarram Masjid of Greater Danbury CT and community center is much closer than we ever anticipated. Our hope is to build warm and welcoming masjid with adequate accommodation for all, handicap accessible that will serve the needs of our community. With this in mind, we have recently signed a contract to purchase a beautiful, spacious commercial property. It is located at 330 Main Street, Danbury, CT-06810, which consists of two stories, totaling 8100 Sq. Ft and fully handicap accessible.  The closing is scheduled for December 3. We need to have 600K at the closing and the seller holds a note for 400K, note due in 36 months (3 years).

             We need to raise an additional 100k to get us to the 600K due on December 3. This a commercial steel structure that will require minor modifications to be usable space for a mosque. Please partner with us on this journey to establish this masjid that will be source of us adding good DEEDS to our Book of record Inshallah.    May Allah accept this from us and build us a house in Jannah.  Ameen

Shakoor Khan, BM president.
Our Mailing Address
339 Main St
Danbury CT 06810

·        Our new Masjid Insha Allah

·        Building Size: 8050

·        2 Floors with and elevator

·        Handicap accessible

·        Lot Size: 0.50

·        Zone CLCB

·        Parking: 46 Parking spaces

·        Cooling: central A/C

·        Utilities: City Water, Sewer, and Gas

Equipe de arrecadação de fundos (5)

Shakoor Khan
Danbury, CT
Arifur Bhuyan
Team member
Mahbub Ahmed
Team member
Azad Hossain
Team member
Bibi Khan
Team member

Seu lugar confiável, poderoso e fácil para obter ajuda

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