Balob Teachers' College (PNG) on its 60th Anniversary
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Hi, my name is Brenton and I am organising this initiative on behalf of my grandfather Fred Stolz.
Grandpa Fred was the founding Principal of Balob Teachers' College in Lae, PNG, in 1965. The College officially opened on 27 November 1965 as an educational institution of the Lutheran Church. Fred worked as inaugural principal for almost 20 years before handing over to PNG management, led by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea (also in partnership with the Anglican Church).
The founding staff in 1965
In 2025, we celebrate 60 years of this exceptional institution, which has served many generations of Papua New Guineans. Balob remains a strong institution but would benefit from our support to secure an even stronger future - enabling it to deliver even more services for teaching students and ultimately contributing better educational outcomes for PNG's children.
At PNG's invitation, Mr Stolz will travel to Lae in May 2025 to participate in the anniversary celebrations. It is his intention to announce a donation to the College at that occasion, which will be earmarked for a development project of critical need for the institution's future. The project is TBC and will be determined by the College Board and relevant authorities with the agreement of Mr Stolz, and will be supported and supervised by several individuals external/independent of the College. Current possibilities include a replacement roof for the College Chapel or a maintenance fund to repaint or support building renovations where facilities are degraded. For further details please contact me directly.
We would greatly appreciate your support, which will enable Mr Stolz to - for the final time - make a meaningful contribution to this very special institution. Your support will be gratefully acknowledged.
Mr Stolz at the 50th anniversary in 2015
In 2018, Mr Fred Stolz was commissioned an Officer of Papua New Guinea's Order of Logohu (Bird of Paradise) - a great honour - for his services to PNG education.
See these videos from 2015 (golden anniversary) to get a sense of the occasion:
- hosted on facebook
[Any donations - especially larger ones - can me made directly via Brenton to avoid fees. Please contact Brenton to discuss]
Brenton Kanowski
Chelmer, QLD