Barrett Family NICU Journey
Donation protected
As many people know on January 31st my sister and brother in law Rachel and Danny Barrett welcomed the sweetest baby boy Clayton Barrett. When Clayton arrived he was 12 weeks early and weighed 1lb 10oz. Clayton has been a fighter ever since he arrived in this world. Clayton was born with many medical complications and with a amazing medical team Clayton continues to over come many odds.
Rachel and Danny have been very blessed to work for companies that are incredibly understanding and patient. Danny has been able to go see Clay everyday after work and Rachel has been able to work from Clayton hospital room. One of Clayton medical condition was floppy airways which requires him to have a tracheotomy for the next two year. With Clayton being the cutest trach baby you will ever meet. Clayton has to spend the next few months in Denver which is very challenging for Rachel and Danny as they navigate through these obstacles the expenses for Rachel and Danny are quickly adding up. Rachel and Danny have been so incredible through this process I know any dollar will help ease a little stress as they navigate through this next chapter in Clayton’s NICU Journey.
Organizer and beneficiary
Jennifer Browning
Ramah, CO
Rachel Barrett