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Bath Tub for Evan Alexander

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This is a GoFundMe page for Evan Alexander who is 15 years from Labrador City who has Cerebral Palsy. I am hoping that you can take a minute to read his story and that you will help me raise money for him to get a new bath tub. Evan loves life and anyone who knows him, knows what a sweet boy he is.

As you can imagine the expenses that comes with raising a child with special needs can sometimes get overwhelming. Sheldon and Cindy, Evan’s parents, have provided everything for his care and never ask for anything. I wanted to do something to help them as this tub will be another great expense on them.

Evan has grown and bathing has become a task for his family. To make his bath time more enjoyable for him and his family, they have decided it’s time to buy him a proper bathing system. The bath tub is called Howard Wright Shower Trolley. The cost for this tub system is $14,500.00. If we could raise the money for this wonderful family it would be amazing.

I would love to be able to recieve any amount of donation that you can spare in order to help. I will be forever grateful, as will Evan’s Family.


  • Charlotte-Roger Lessard-Cayouette
    • $50
    • 5 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Lisa Lowe
Labrador City, NL
Sheldon Alexander

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