Donation protected
Hi, my name is Bogdan Konovalov, 31 years old. I live in Dnipro Ukraine, married and have 3 kids.
When I was 2 years old I got pulled under a trolley and as a result I lost my right leg above the knee and went into a coma for 3 days. All my life I used a prosthetic leg, and these circumstances did not stop me from being active. I want to be an example to encourage people to not give up in hard circumstances in life. I have a big dream to run a half marathon. We ran a test run on a loaner running prosthesis and did great. Now to achieve this dream I need funding to buy a running blade and running prosthetic knee. If I will raise more money it will go on to funding fellow amputees in Ukraine.
Thank you for your generosity.
Yakov Gradinar
Elk River, MN