Save Scripps Salon and Spa
Han & Nimol, of Scripps Salon & Spa, are grateful to the Scripps Ranch Community for all the support they’ve been given so far. With so much uncertainty and having their business, their sole livelihood, shut down for months, they have really needed those who have reached out to them during this difficult time. We are asking for community support once again.
Although Han & Nimol have spent hours and hours applying for various government assisted programs, they still are in danger of losing their business. They will owe rent for all the months they were shutdown, despite not being allowed to open their shop.
They have owned their business for ten years, poured blood, sweat and tears into it. They have offered gift certificates and products to our local school fundraisers. They have beautified many of our community members and offered a listening ear to others.
Let’s help Han & Nimol, who have given so much to our community over the past ten years, save their American dream.
Contribute here, or visit their salon, located at 10006 Scripps Ranch Blvd, 2nd floor (above old Vons).