BE YOU Event 2021
The BE YOU Event is an event designed to empower and encourage Domestic Violence survivors. The event hosts 30 ladies who will be treated to a day of confidence building, life planning and pampering. With special guest speakers the ladies will learn meditation techniques, power of gratitude, and using the be you blueprint to help plan for a better future. They will be treated to a healthy lunch and then an afternoon of pampering. With the help of DVAC (Domestic Violence Action Center) and community contributions we are able to treat these ladies to an amazing event.
The $10,000 raised through go fund me will be allocated towards scholarship opportunities for these ladies to seek continuing education, buy business supplies or trade school. They will submit applications to be qualified for the scholarships and all monies will be paid directly to the institutions.
As a survivor of domestic violence finding the confidence to move forward apart from your abuser is probably the most important key to creating a new and wonderful life, Learning how to "Be You"!