Becky’s fight against Brain on fire
Donation protected
Hello everyone, I just wanted to give a little update on Becky.
she is starting to walk again which is wonderful, and seeing videos of this makes me so happy. Her memory is still very much as it was, but improves a little each day.
Becky and Chad are preparing for their first Christmas as parents, and it will be spent in the hospital, where Chad and baby M stay most of the time. It’s looking like Becky will be spending at least the next 2/3 months in the hospital.
I will update in the new year and Chad wanted to thank you all and wish everyone a lovely Christmas xx
Just a little edit, this week Becky has celebrated her birthday in hospital with her family.
She is having good and bad moments with her memory, she can recognise everyone and realise something is wrong, and 5 minutes later she doesn’t know who her own daughter is. It’s heart breaking for her family to see, but they show positivity and love.
Baby M is doing well. She is at home with her dad although the spend most days at the hospital with Becky to make sure she has a good bond with her mum.
I will try and update you all on how Becky is doing every few weeks.
Hi, this photo is of Becky, 14 weeks ago becky was 27 weeks pregnant with her first child, when she started having a few episodes of unusual behaviour. This quickly turned to something more serious, when she had multiple seizures and went in respitory arrest. At this time she was admitted to mk general, and after various tests that were coming up with no reason for what was happening she was then placed into an induced coma. She was quickly transferred to A more specialist hospitals intensive care unit. Where she was diagnosed with Anti NMDAR encephalitis. This is brain infection which was causing swelling, and her auto immune system was attacking her brain, only 22 pregnant women in the world have ever been diagnosed with this. After 4 weeks of uncertainty about Becky’s future and the future of her unborn child, The hospital performed a c section and took baby m out at just 31 weeks.
She was born with A blocked bladder, causing fluid to leak back into her belly, she had 1 litre of fluid removed and was placed on a ventilator.
Becky was taken out of a coma after 8 weeks, but has a long road to recovery ahead, we are now 3 weeks of her being awake, and she is speaking a few words, and able to eat very soft food. But unable to walk and transfer herself.
After intense investigations they found a dermois cyst on her right ovary which then had to be removed.
her short term memory has been affected and we are unsure as to what she understands about what has happened and we are unsure how this will affect her going forward. She is currently in high dependency unit waiting until she is well enough to be transferred to a rehabilitation centre.
She gets to see the baby most days but is clearly in distress when they take the baby home. She is unable to change a nappy and hold her freely and sing to child.
she did not meet baby m properly until baby was 7 weeks old. So she has already missed so much already.
now onto the reason I’m here…. Chad is baby m’s daddy. He is currently unable to work. And is unfortunately finding it difficult to make ends meet, having to travel to Oxford everyday, and pay out for fuel each day and pay to keep a roof over his baby’s head and a home for Becky to come home to.
He has already proved what an amazing dad he is and has stepped up for them both in every single way possible, and is a very proud dad and partner at the recovery both of them are making. But we have no idea how long it will be until becky will be able to come home and help.
So I’m here asking for your help to support Chad and his family, any little donation will help and go along way to ensuring becky has a home to come back to.
universal credit unfortunately won’t even cover the costs of the rent as they only signed a contract on a private rent just before this happened. When they both were earning well.
If any one would like to know more about the disease Netflix show brain on fire is a true story of a woman’s battle against the disease without the added complications of pregnancy.
Organizer and beneficiary
Heaven Mayer
Chad Maling