Becoming An Adult Nurse
My names is Naana Aisha Issaka, I am a 21 years old BAME individual and my dream is to become an Adult Nurse.
I have received a place at DMU to study BSc Adult Nursing for 3 years from obtaining a total of 60 credits from studying the Access to Higher Education Diploma (Nursing & Midwifery).
I have applied for Student Finance England (SFE) twice and was rejected both times due to my circumstances and these circumstances where because l had gaps from my first visa in the UK to my current visa which was out of my control because l was a minor and because l was a minor that responsibility fell upon my parents hands.
Fast-forward to obtaining my status in the UK, l applied again for SFE and was informed that due to my previous status l was not eligible for student finance until l have held my current status for 3 years.
Through all the hardship l have endured, l have still continued to work hard at college to gain the best grade l can achieve to allow me to get a place at the universities l have applied.
I have further began working with vulnerable adults to sort out some of my financial responsibilities, and this meant working 60+ hours in a week. So, if you and l were to calculate the money together for my university fee to me paying for my rent (and other utilities) it is not enough because l am having to support myself (buying electricity, rent etc).
Lastly, l have also researched and reached out to private loan companies but due to the coronavirus they have rejected me. I have tried to contact the same companies to see if they would change their mind but the same answer was said which was NO. At first, l was anxious because l didn’t want to take out a loan and put myself at debt at such a young age but l knew l had no choice because l was determined to go to university and become a nurse.
For further clarification on how the money will be spent to accommodate me for the last 3 years of the course:
Accommodation: (8000)
University: (27750)
Other (books, laptop, transport): (3000)
Total = £38,750
This £38,750 pays for the whole 3 years of the course.
Thank you to everyone who is supporting me through this journey of mine. I really appreciate all the help and support.