Being Trump
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Being Trump
If you have been following JCFilms, you know we only produce films that will positively change the culture for good! That’s it period. It was our mission 20 films ago, and it remains the foundation to every film we produce.
So, why are we making a political comedy about Donald Trump, and why are we asking you to support this film?
Several months ago, Dean Cain and I were driving through Florida, and we had a discussion on the political climate in America. It was during the impeachment and even Dean and I disagreed on a few political issues. But here is the point… It’s okay not to agree on politics or policy; however, it’s never okay to disgrace or demean with whom you disagree.
Let’s face the facts, come this summer the political discussion in America is going to be awful! With this year being a Presidential Election, it just is. Although it’s entertainment to many, it really is destroying our purple mountains of majesty.
Therefore, our film BEING TRUMP is about this conflict. The film depicts just how far we’ve allowed the division and discord to come between the American people. Yes, this message is mysteriously concealed into the comedic plot structure, but it’s there and it will be great medicine for us all this summer.
This film is an effort to change the current political division in America. Our goal is to return a civility to the arguments between political parties. We have to stop demonizing our opposition and regain the good old debate mode of persuasion.
Whether you are a democrat or republican, I hope you will take a moment to support our efforts on this important film!
Story Line
“President Donald Trump’s Space Force program has quickly become a reality and when the first mission to MARS is introduced our President insists on being the first man to walk the red planet. However, the framers of our constitution never imagined a sitting President leaving the planet and if so, would Trump really need to transfer his powers or could he just find a look-a-like to fill in for a few days?”
BEING TRUMP will cast several leading conservative voices and will premiere in Charlotte, NC during the 2020 Republican National Convention. Production on the film starts in South Florida in February 2020 and will partner with William Gold Entertainment, a company that specializes in political impersonators.
For a gift of $40 or more not only will the PRODUCER of the film personally call you to thank you but you will be granted private access to the Cast & Crew web portal. This will allow you to read the script, view the cast roster and film shooting locations.
For gifts of $500 or more, you'll get the call, plus V.I.P. Treatment when you visit the production set of BEING TRUMP and when you attend the films Red Carpet Premiere at the Republican National Convention!
Jason Campbell
President, JCFilms
To get involved or learn more, please visit www.BeingTrump.com.
If you have been following JCFilms, you know we only produce films that will positively change the culture for good! That’s it period. It was our mission 20 films ago, and it remains the foundation to every film we produce.
So, why are we making a political comedy about Donald Trump, and why are we asking you to support this film?
Several months ago, Dean Cain and I were driving through Florida, and we had a discussion on the political climate in America. It was during the impeachment and even Dean and I disagreed on a few political issues. But here is the point… It’s okay not to agree on politics or policy; however, it’s never okay to disgrace or demean with whom you disagree.
Let’s face the facts, come this summer the political discussion in America is going to be awful! With this year being a Presidential Election, it just is. Although it’s entertainment to many, it really is destroying our purple mountains of majesty.
Therefore, our film BEING TRUMP is about this conflict. The film depicts just how far we’ve allowed the division and discord to come between the American people. Yes, this message is mysteriously concealed into the comedic plot structure, but it’s there and it will be great medicine for us all this summer.
This film is an effort to change the current political division in America. Our goal is to return a civility to the arguments between political parties. We have to stop demonizing our opposition and regain the good old debate mode of persuasion.
Whether you are a democrat or republican, I hope you will take a moment to support our efforts on this important film!
Story Line
“President Donald Trump’s Space Force program has quickly become a reality and when the first mission to MARS is introduced our President insists on being the first man to walk the red planet. However, the framers of our constitution never imagined a sitting President leaving the planet and if so, would Trump really need to transfer his powers or could he just find a look-a-like to fill in for a few days?”
BEING TRUMP will cast several leading conservative voices and will premiere in Charlotte, NC during the 2020 Republican National Convention. Production on the film starts in South Florida in February 2020 and will partner with William Gold Entertainment, a company that specializes in political impersonators.
For a gift of $40 or more not only will the PRODUCER of the film personally call you to thank you but you will be granted private access to the Cast & Crew web portal. This will allow you to read the script, view the cast roster and film shooting locations.
For gifts of $500 or more, you'll get the call, plus V.I.P. Treatment when you visit the production set of BEING TRUMP and when you attend the films Red Carpet Premiere at the Republican National Convention!
Jason Campbell
President, JCFilms
To get involved or learn more, please visit www.BeingTrump.com.
Jason Campbell
Washington D.C., DC